Yoda: First Ocean Cleanup System will begin operations in a few weeks and sixty systems will remove 50% of ocean plastic within 5 years

Earth Intelligence

Good, news is.

First Ocean Cleanup System will begin operations in a few weeks and sixty systems will remove 50% of ocean plastic within 5 years

Cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch using conventional methods – vessels and nets – would take thousands of years and tens of billions of dollars to complete. Ocean Cleanup projects passive systems are estimated to remove half the Great Pacific Garbage patch in just five years, and at a fraction of the cost.

Read full article.

Robert Burrowes: Review of GIANTS – The Global Power Elite, by Peter Phillips

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Tip of the to Jan Oberg and Transcend Media

Exposing the Giants: The Global Power Elite

389 individuals, $41 trillion, as core of predatory capitalism not at all responsive to the public interest.

‘Understanding permanent war as an economic relief valve for surplus capital is a vital part of comprehending capitalism in the world today. War provides investment opportunity for the Giants and TCC elites and a guaranteed return on capital. War also serves a repressive function of keeping the suffering masses of humanity afraid and compliant.’

Read full review.          Amazon page for the book.


Meet the Economist Behind the One Percent’s Stealth Takeover of America

Worth a Look: Alternative History – War Castles & Reno Videos (Quantum Plus, Relevant to Global Currency Reset) UPDATE 1: Four New Videos

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


Phi Beta Iota: These videos are recommended by someone we trust. There is no real documentation to back them up but the President does appear to be enroute to a major triumph combining the recovery of at least $15 trillion; control of the Federal Reserve; a gold-backed dollar; and $1.5 trillion to be spent from the bottom up across thousands of individuals whose simple marching orders are “create new jobs with benefits, and do new construction”(including creative destruction). Half our history and half our science are outright fabrications — in that context, this is a good opportunity to consider alternative explanations of how the 1% hosed the 99%, and what the 99% can do about it.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Alternative History – War Castles & Reno Videos (Quantum Plus, Relevant to Global Currency Reset) UPDATE 1: Four New Videos”

Norie Huddle: A Stark Warning About Ignorance Fatal to the Planet — Not A Word About True Cost Economics or Honest Science

#OSE Open Source Everything, Earth Intelligence
Norie Huddle

‘We Are Climbing Rapidly Out of Humankind's Safe Zone': New Report Warns Dire Climate Warnings Not Dire Enough

In the new report—titled What Lies Beneath: The Understatement of Existential Climate Risk (pdf)—authors David Splatt and Ian Dunlop, researchers with the National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough), an independent think tank based in Australia, argue that the existential threats posed by the climate crisis have still not penetrated the collective psyche of humanity and that world leaders, even those demanding aggressive action, have not shown the kind of urgency or imagination that the scale of the pending catastrophe presents.

Continue reading “Norie Huddle: A Stark Warning About Ignorance Fatal to the Planet — Not A Word About True Cost Economics or Honest Science”

Worth a Look – Civil.CO and WorldBrain.IO

Advanced Cyber/IO, Earth Intelligence


Civil is the decentralized marketplace for sustainable journalism. Civil's token sale begins in 05 Weeks 01 Days 03 Hours. Register now to purchase CVL tokens

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman.


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Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Stephen E. Arnold.