Mongoose: William Tompkins on extraterrestrials & US Secret Space Programs

Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Military

TWO PARTS : William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.

Two Videos Below the Fold.

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Phantom Phixer: Buzz Aldrin + on Space, Mars, Etc.

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Officers Call

Don't let the liars get you down.  There is ample support for your stated view that we have a colony on Mars, probably utilizing involuntary labor and perhaps consisting of many individuals who started out as kidnapped children. Lockheed Martin is probably the lead contractor on this one.  Tim White aka Phantom Phixer

References with links below the fold.

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Michael Salla: Expolitics — Including Mars Colony…

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Officers Call
Amazon Page

I have worked with a number of whistleblowers who say that the USMC/DON recruits young marines and seamen for 20 and back assignments with a secret space corps that provides personnel for major corporations that have colonies on Mars.The earliest cases begin from 1976, which I note coincides with your recruitment into the USMC.

Continue reading “Michael Salla: Expolitics — Including Mars Colony…”

Ben Collins: NASA Denies It Kidnaps Children for 20-Year+ Missions to Mars UPDATE 1

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government

NASA Denies That It’s Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars

On Thursday, Alex Jones welcomed a guest to talk about how kidnapped children have been sent on a two-decade mission to space. NASA now denies the interplanetary conspiracy.

Robert Steele's congratulatory letter to Ben Collins below the fold.

Continue reading “Ben Collins: NASA Denies It Kidnaps Children for 20-Year+ Missions to Mars UPDATE 1”