BREAKING Gordon Duff: Trump, Kushner, Bolton False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran UPDATE 1: Metz Gets It Right — MASSIVE BLUNDER

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Trump, Kushner, Bolton Weighing False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran

The date has been set, April, May and leaks are everywhere. The timing is based on the Mueller report and what has leaked to Democratic leaders in the House, who “re-leaked” back to their Mossad handlers and Trump.

Trump has already decided he is attacking Iran, it was given as his only option. Pence failed in lining up European allies but France and Britain are already onboard and only awaiting the casus belli, which has yet to be decided on.

The list includes a dirty bombing in the US or a massive explosion, to be blamed on a mine in the Straits of Hormuz, that cripples one of America’s defective aircraft carriers. Continue reading “BREAKING Gordon Duff: Trump, Kushner, Bolton False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran UPDATE 1: Metz Gets It Right — MASSIVE BLUNDER”

Andrey Kortunov: Four Dreadful Syrian Scenarios

Peace Intelligence

Four Dreadful Scenarios for Tomorrow’s Syria and What We Can Do To Avoid Them

Michel Duclos & Andrey Kortunov

Institute Montaigne

  • Bashar al-Assad starts a major offensive in Idlib, supported by the Iran-backed militia and by the Russian air force.
  • The Turks and the Kurds resume fighting in the North.
  • The South-West Agreement falls apart.
  • The Russian-Iranian partnership in Syria collapses.

Read full discussion.

Continue reading “Andrey Kortunov: Four Dreadful Syrian Scenarios”

Ed Jewett: Is Monica Elfriede Witt a Fake Defector to Iran – a False Flag Provocation from Zionist and Neocons in the USA?

Peace Intelligence

Some reports refer to Witt as a “captain”, but she wasn’t an Air Force captain. Witt was enlisted. She was last stationed at Andrews Air Force Base but there is no record of how she actually defected to Iran. She allegedly separated from the Air Force in 2008 then went to work for the private intelligence company Booz Allen Hamilton. Aren't they the folks that launched the Edward Snowden attack on NSA and then dangled him to Russia?

Escalation Against Iran Using a Proxy “Defector”

Caitlin Johnson: Hats Off to Tucker Carlson and Hating NeoCon Warmongers

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Hating Neocons Is Becoming Mainstream Again, And It Is Excellent

American Conservative has published an article titled “Why Are These Professional War Peddlers Still Around?“, an excerpt from a book by Fox’s Tucker Carlson, which documents neoconservative thought leaders Max Boot and Bill Kristol’s consistent track record of supporting spectacularly awful US war policies. Carlson goes over the many, many acts of military interventionism which have been pushed for by these two legendary failmeisters, documents what they predicted would happen as the result of that interventionism (freedom, democracy and prosperity) and what actually ended up happening instead (needless death, terrorism and chaos), and marvels at how they both somehow remain in positions of high esteem with high-profile, high-paying jobs.

Read full article.

Gordon Duff: Saudi Arabia and Coming Secret Nuclear War

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Saudi Arabia and the Upcoming Secret Nuclear War

Gordon Duff

New Eastern Outlook

15 February 2019

With Israel issuing direct threats against both Syria and Iran of thermonuclear devastation if either nation retaliates against Israeli bombing attacks, the world moves closer to the brink. Many factors, including and especially Israel’s internal political collapse, are pushing the world toward a wider conflict. American political instability makes things even worse.

What has been ignored is the level of threat Saudi Arabia represents, a politically primitive nation with a massive defense budget and some very dark secrets, some of which will be revealed here.

Read  article — Saudi Arabia is a nuclear power and could start a nuclear war.

BREAKING: False Flag Planned for Venezuela to Justify Invasion — Replay of Panama?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Diplomat warns false flag brewing under cloak of humanitarian convoy for Venezuela

I believe this.  I ran a false flag for CIA, they are very easy to set up and because the media goes along with whatever story they are given, difficult for most in the public to recognize as a false flag.

We should not be pursuing the Zionist agenda against Iran or Venezuela. President Trump's decision to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan is a step in the right direction. I pray he is simply giving the Zionists and neocons (unregistered agents of a foreign power) enough rope to hang themselves.

Continue reading “BREAKING: False Flag Planned for Venezuela to Justify Invasion — Replay of Panama?”