DefDog: Congress Demands War in Afghanistan Continue So They Can Keep Getting Their Kick-Backs (Bribes) from the US Deep State Military-Industrial Complex

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

If ever anyone needed to see what politics does to the military this article clearly shows that war is not fought for the right reasons but rather for the right amount of money…..

Congress’s Vote To Keep War In Afghanistan Sells Out American Soldiers

By a 68-23 margin, the Senate decided we haven’t spilled enough blood, broken enough soldiers, or spent enough money on Afghanistan.

See Also:

Robert Steele Book Reviews on War Is A Racket

Scott Keisler: The Truth About Venezuela

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 07 Venezuela, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence
Scott Keisler

The Truth About Venezuela

Covert intelligence groups sowing seeds of destabilization overseas, funding front groups to promote ‘democracy’, engaging in economic warfare, media propaganda campaigns – the playbook is quite familiar to those who know the dark art of unilateral empire building. For the last two decades Neoconservatives and the State Department have, with varying degrees of success, mercilessly pursued a foreign policy of regime change in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine and Iran (among others).

Many will be surprised to learn that Venezuela has been on the dubious list of sovereign nation states targeted by Washington for toppling since 1998.(1)

Read full article, includes quotes from former CIA Chief in Venezuela.


Venezuela: The U.S.’s 68th Regime Change Disaster

Brother Nathaniel: Is Jared Kushner Sheldon Adelson’s Bitch? Is Donald Trump Being Shlonged by Sheldon Adelson?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

Additional information below the fold.

Continue reading “Brother Nathaniel: Is Jared Kushner Sheldon Adelson's Bitch? Is Donald Trump Being Shlonged by Sheldon Adelson?”

Robert David Steele: U.S. Director of National Intelligence: Iran, China, Russia Interfering with U.S. Elections. Seriously?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

U.S. Director of National Intelligence: Iran, China, Russia Interfering with U.S. Elections.  Seriously?

TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

Continue reading “Robert David Steele: U.S. Director of National Intelligence: Iran, China, Russia Interfering with U.S. Elections. Seriously?”

Philip Giraldi: (Zionist) Israel’s Story – Lies from Top to Bottom

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Israel's Story

Lies from top to bottom

A study by a Toronto-based consulting and research company has revealed that over the past fifty years mainstream reporting about Israel has been distorted to portray the Jewish state in positive terms while ignoring the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation. The media study, based on a computer analysis of 50 years of data, found that major U.S. newspapers have provided consistently skewed, pro-Israel reporting on Israel-Palestine. The slanting in news coverage included subtle manipulations like using word associations favorable to Israel and derogatory to Palestinians as well as persistent publication of stories praising Israel while also avoiding reporting anything supportive of the dispossessed Arab point of view.

Read full article.

See Also:

30 Zionist Strikes (Zionism is Not Judaism)


Ed Jewett: Army’s Long-Awaited Iraq War Study Finds Iran Was the Only Winner

Peace Intelligence

Army’s Long-Awaited Iraq War Study Finds Iran Was the Only Winner

A two-volume Army study of the Iraq war is a deep examination of the mistakes and success of the war effort that also takes aim at critics who would slough off the conflict as they shift to near-peer threats.

The 1,300-page, two volume history, complete with more than 1,000 declassified documents, spans the 2003 invasion through the U.S. withdrawal, the rise of ISIS, and the influence of Syria and Iran.

“At the time of this project’s completion in 2018, an emboldened and expansionist Iran appears to be the only victor,” authors wrote in the concluding chapter.