Supreme Leader of Iran: Eliminating the Zionist regime doesn’t mean eliminating Jews. We aren’t against Jews.

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


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Robert Steele: Best Single Summary of Election Fraud & Obstruction of Justice – Margin of Fraudulent Claim by Biden-Harris is 279,000 Ballots; Ballots Demanding Investigation Total 4,340,058

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

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I do not know who produced this.  It came to me in an email, I cannot find it via online search for the title perhaps because Google is refusing to index it. I have asked my source to track back to where they got it. In  the meantime, I share it.

This is the single best summary of election fraud and obstruction of justice I have seen to date.  It provides stark numbers and detailed comments. It explicitly fries the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Supreme Court, and the state courts as well as of course the State executives and legislatures, for being in a state of treason.

PDF (15 Pages):

Best Total Summary of Election 2020 Fraud & Obstruction of Justice

Full Table of Contents & Short Video Below the Fold

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