Jan Oberg: The New Cold War — West at Fault?

Peace Intelligence
Jan Oberg
Jan Oberg

Ten articles on the new Cold War and a reflection

While this new Cold War is certainly different from the first Cold war that ended in 1989, we are not in doubt that there is a new such tragic war and that the risk of military confrontation between Russia and NATO countries in Europe has increased. We also happen to think it could have been avoided. This Cold War has to do with, among many other things, NATO’s counterproductive expansion since 1994, the way Yugoslavia broke down and was broken up, with Ukraine and now Syria as well as – perhaps surprisingly to some – the rapidly diminishing political power and legitimacy of the West in the emerging world order.

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Del Spurlock: Sanders Republicans Oppose TPP

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

A Sanders Republican Looks a Trade and War in Ohio’s 4th

Keep your eye on the ball, Ohioans. Your “so-called” leaders, who robbed you of your jobs, decimated your communities, sent your young men and women to war, based on lies, and failed to recognize their value as citizen-soldiers upon their return are seeking a re-run, and a vote for Jim Jordan will assure their success. Ohio is not only a battlefield for Electoral votes, equally important, it is the staging ground for the ratification of the most undemocratic legislation in American history, (TPP) the Transpacific-Partnership. Jim Jordan will vote for it, because the Koch Brothers, who own him, will demand it.

This is what TPP does to Ohioans of the Fourth Congressional District:

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Del Spurlock: Lies of State – Spinning the Inhumanity of Our National Policies

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media, Peace Intelligence
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

Spinning the Inhumanity of our National Policies

Reproduced with permission from original as posted.

We are failing to govern ourselves. The concept of American democracy has been driven from the field by the public relations industry. The balancing act between the poles of public and private interests, performed so deftly by Chester Bowles, William Benton and Harold Burson in the 1950s to protect us from the deceptions of our leaders and the cynicism of the PR industry founded by Edward Bernays, has collapsed. Spinning the morally indefensible is now embedded in our civic DNA.

From its inception, the leaders of our republic chose misleading words to mask the crimes against humanity committed by the markets they created and profited from:

  • Slavery—“our peculiar institution of other persons”
  • Freedom seeking men and women—“fugitives”
  • Peace-loving, welcoming, conciliatory people of the land—“savages”

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David Maxwell: U.S. Special Operations Forces in the Philippines, 2001–2014 (Rand)

05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
David S. Maxwell
David S. Maxwell

Robinson, Linda, Patrick B. Johnston and Gillian S. Oak. U.S. Special Operations Forces in the Philippines, 2001–2014. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2016.

This report examines the 14-year experience of U.S. special operations forces in the Philippines from 2001 through 2014. The objective of this case history is to document and evaluate the activities and effects of special operations capabilities employed to address terrorist threats in Operation Enduring Freedom — Philippines through (1) training and equipping Philippine security forces, (2) providing operational advice and assistance, and (3) conducting civil–military and information operations. The report evaluates the development, execution, and adaptation of the U.S. effort to enable the Philippine government to counter transnational terrorist groups.

Table of Contents Below the Fold

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David Maxwell: Partnership, Respect Guide U.S. Military Role in Philippines

05 Civil War, 09 Terrorism, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
David S. Maxwell
David S. Maxwell

Maxwell, David. “PARTNERSHIP, RESPECT GUIDE U.S. MILITARY ROLE IN PHILIPPINES,” World Politics Review, Feature Report on Economy of Force: Training U.S. Partner Militaries, February 5, 2013, pp. 16-19.

Any successes Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (OEF-P) may have achieved rest on five pillars. First, a thorough strategic to tactical assessment that informed the strategy and campaign plan, as well as continued assessment throughout the duration of the mission. Second, a deep understanding of unconventional warfare, and the ability to counter it with what is known as “foreign internal defense.” Third, established, long-term relationships and a sustained commitment over time by the U.S. military and U.S. country team. Fourth, respect for host-nation sovereignty and effective interagency collaboration. And fifth, support from conventional forces in key areas such as intelligence, communications, logistics, engineering, medical, aviation and additional personnel for individual staffs.

Continue reading “David Maxwell: Partnership, Respect Guide U.S. Military Role in Philippines”

David Maxwell: National Security Blog

Peace Intelligence
David S. Maxwell
David S. Maxwell

Information Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners (IINSTP)

Georgetown Security Studies Review, An Information Based Strategy to Reduce Korea’s Increasing Threat, October 17, 2016.

Georgetown Security Studies Review, NSCITF Report on Countering Violent Extremism, October 11, 2016.

Chersicla, Rick, “Special Forces as Military Observers in Modern Combat,” September 18, 2016.

Cleveland, Charles and David Maxwell, “U.S. Special Operations Forces at 9-11, Today, and for the Future,” September 11, 2016.