Amazon Kindle: Ascension Christianity – #11 in Christian Process Theology

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Kindle


Also available in color print 8.5 x 11.


The Foreword by former US spy and Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse addresses awakening consciousness, a new beginning not the end times, whether the coronavirus is a Satanic attack on Ascension Christianity, is Donald J. Trump the Chosen One, will Christianity done right reconcile with all other faiths, and who will ascend.

The main text discusses God's relationship with materials existence, humanity's relationship with God, and the nature of Ascension Christianity, the final step the transcends all less evolved forms of Christianity. Detailed discussion is provided on the divinity of humanity and its manifestation in physicality; on entering the Kingdom of Heaven; on Christ Consciousness and Ascension; and The Promise.

Two Appendices are included as well as 89 endnotes, most with links to their cited source.

This work is offered to the public as a contribution toward reinstating God's grace for America the Beautiful.

Also free online at — please tell others!

Kevin Barrett: Abandonment of Hajj Pilgrimmage Signals Approach of World War 3 (Islamic Prophecy) Is Netanyahu Antichrist?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Kevin Barrett

Abandonment of Hajj Pilgrimmage Signals Approach of World War 3 (Islamic Prophecy): Is Netanyahu Antichrist?

It occurs to me that rather than being literal nations or tribes, Gog and Magog could represent the two great spiritual deviations of our time: Those who abandon religion (the atheists) and those who invert it (the satanists). Those two false religions are the basis of the two great heretical-Jewish messianic millenarian movements: (atheistic) communism and (satanic) Zionism.

Read full article.


Robert Steele: Presidential Primer on Holistic Analytics (Fake Pandemic Crashing a 20 Trillion Economy for 685 Dead) + Virus 5G RECAP

03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Companion Text Post with Graphics Below the Fold

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Presidential Primer on Holistic Analytics (Fake Pandemic Crashing a 20 Trillion Economy for 685 Dead) + Virus 5G RECAP”

Berto Jongman: Gregg Braden on Humanity Rising – 3 Cycles — A New Story is Emerging

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Humanity is set to face a rare convergence of three massive cycles of change. In this episode, Gregg Braden guides us through the evidence, which charts the simultaneous peaking of economic, human conflict and solar cycles. The rise and fall in each of these cycles holds major implications for our civilization. As all three cycles are beginning to peak, a new story about humanity emerges. For us to understand how this story will unfold, we must first take an honest look at who we really are and where we came from.