Robert Steele: Open Letter to POTUS on Reinventing Intelligence 4 Pages, Book, & 9 Minute Video

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Strategy, Threats



Via: (1) Mr. Matthew Pottinger, Deputy National Security Advisor, copy w/encl
(2) Mr. Robert O’Brien, National Security Advisor, copy w/encl
(3) Mr. Mick Mulvaney, Chief of Staff, copy w/encl

Dear Mr. President,

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State of the Nation: We Are Done With Trump!

Peace Intelligence

Iraqi Prime Minister Indicts Trump for Murder One and State-Sponsored Terrorism

SOLEIMANIgate Blown Wide Open Firsthand Testimony Proves Trump
Outright Lied About Soleimani—But It’s Much, MUCH Worse Than That

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP:  An Unstable and Tempestuous Tyrant
Installed by the Military-Industrial Complex to Preserve the Collapsing Petrodollar’s World Reserve Currency Status and Advance the Greater Israel Project

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Paul Craig Roberts: American Leadership Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Paul Craig Roberts

American Leadership Is Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward?

The alliance between Israel and the neoconservatives is causing a war. The solution is a countervailing alliance that brings the warmongers to their senses.

Trump, Pompeo, political generals, rapture evangelism, and presstitutes are simultaneously discrediting the US government, the US military, Christianity, and giving Israel the power to take the United States to war, a power that it will be difficult for Israel not to use.

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BREAKING: Iran Threatens to Attack Trump Properties — Now That Is Personal!

Peace Intelligence

Iran To Attack Trump Properties? Top Adviser Tweets List Of President's Real Estate Empire

After Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei clarified on Friday that ‘death to America' really means death to President Trump, Secretary if State Mike Pompeo and other “American Rulers,” a top adviser to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani shared a list of Trump properties on Sunday, including his Mar-a-Lago estate and resort in Florida.

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