Yoda: Whither Our Understanding on Extraterrestrials, Human Trafficking, and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)?

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Ready writes in:

David Icke makes the point over and over that people fear consequences from speaking up but consequences do take care of themselves as they speak louder and louder.  David Icke went so far that, had he ever weakened in his resolve and steadfastness, he would be gone by now.

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Gareth Porter: Why Evidence on Saudi Attack Does Not Matter

Peace Intelligence
Gareth Porter

Why Evidence of Iran’s Role in Attack Doesn’t Matter

The Trump policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran thus represents an extreme violation of a state’s right to participate in the global economy, without which a modern state cannot survive. It is the equivalent in trade terms of a naval blockade to starve a nation, and it would be universally recognized as an act of war if carried out by any other state in the world. Iran calls it “economic terrorism.”

In the context of these larger legal and moral issues, the question of the respective roles of Iran and the Houthis in the strike is a matter not just of tactical and propaganda significance but of fundamental principle. The shutdown of Abqiaq is the clearest signal possible from Islamic Republic that, as it has stated on several occasions, if the United States insists on depriving it from being able to sell oil, it will not allow the rest of the world’s oil to pass through the Strait of Hormuz.

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Mongoose: The Saudi Attack Was Done by Israel

Peace Intelligence

Bob Moriarty: This Is The Most Dangerous Time In History

Bob Moriarty: No shit. That was not a military mission, period. It wasn’t done by Iran. It wasn’t done by the Houthi Rebels. It was a political statement by somebody who wanted to encourage somebody to retaliate against either Yemen or Iran and you can try to figure out for yourself. But it was a political statement, it was not a military attack, period, okay?

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J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation.

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

American Gray Swans – Week 37 – Depopulation.

Not a particularly charming subject, but certainly relevant. As an engineer we are trained to look at the evidence while removing emotion from our decision making process. It seems we have about 7.4 billion people on this spinning planet and it is increasing, and that with our current systems of government and decision making we are destroying our own environment.

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