James Fetzer: Truthers aka Conspiracy Theorists are Investigating Crimes: No wonder they want to silence us!

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Media

[Truthers aka] Conspiracy Theorists are Investigating Crimes: No wonder they want to silence us!

The CIA’s denigration of citizen investigations may be the greatest Psyop in American history.

When you stop to think about it, why should anyone be opposed to new research on the assassination of JFK, the atrocities of 9/11, the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone, or the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School? After all, if the “official narratives” we have been given by the local, state and federal authorities were true, then those who are doing research are simply “spinning their wheels” in a pointless endeavor, because the truth is already known! So if those who are doing this research are being subjected to one attack after another–think of Jim Garrison, New Orleans DA, who wanted to establish the who, the how and the why of the death of JFK, but was even lampooned by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show–you have to ask, “Why?” He was getting too close to the truth so they used Johnny to shut him down.

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Worth a Look: Ecologenia – Philosophy & Practice of True Politics In Harmony with LOCAL Communities and the Earth

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Ecologenia is neither a Utopia nor an “ideology.” It’s possible to change this world and its politics even if it seems utopian. It’s only necessary to understand what Ecologenia is. It is the Natural Policy, and each one has something to contribute. Your participation is of immense importance. You can learn True Politics in a few weeks and become a TRANSFORMER of your social, cultural, and economic environment. The whole world urgently requires the positive action of each person who awakens to global reality.

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Robert Steele: Sheriff’s Movement Goes Mainstream, Causing Deep State to Shit in Its Transvestite Panties

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments — Sorcha Faal

It’s called the “constitutional sheriff” movement, and as it grows, it’s increasing the risk of conflict between local law enforcement and federal authorities.

Its animating idea is that a sheriff holds ultimate law-enforcement authority in his county—outranking even the federal government within its borders.

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