J. C. Cole: Food & Fuel Crisis Looms in the USA

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Officers Call

In one of my first posts on Gray Swans I focused on food sustainability:

JC Cole: American Gray Swans USA 14 Feb 2019

Most Americans mistake “Food Production Volume” with “Food Security”. Obviously they are not the same. In America we have a substantial “Food Production Volume” but we have no “Food Security”. Food Security is “Food Production Volume” plus “Food Accessibility”. As stated earlier, our sophisticated “Just in Time Delivery” system is quite vulnerable. Think of it as a well tuned Swiss Watch. Just one hammer and it stops.

Below I also add our lack of refineries and vulnerability in relation to fuel.

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Andrew Napolitano: Beware a Government of Fear — Constitution Trashed by Fake Pandemic, False Fear!

Civil Society, Ethics, Government

Beware a Government of Fear

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
— Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Of what value is a constitutional guarantee if it can be violated when people get sick? If it can, it is not a guarantee; it is a fraud. Stated differently, a constitutional guarantee is only as valuable and reliable as is the fidelity to the Constitution of those in whose hands we have reposed it for safekeeping.

Read full article at Creators.com.

Unz Review: Mr. President, Please VETO the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package that Will Be a Stake in Your Heart and End Your Presidency!

03 Economy, Ethics, Government

The Senate's Coronavirus Relief Package Must be Stopped!

Mike Whitney, Unz Review

The Senate’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package is not fiscal stimulus and it’s not a lifeline for the tens of millions of working people who have suddenly lost their jobs. It’s a fundamental restructuring of the US economy designed to strengthen the grip of the corrupt corporate-banking oligarchy while creating a permanent underclass that will be forced to work for slave wages. This isn’t stimulus, it’s shock therapy.

Continue reading “Unz Review: Mr. President, Please VETO the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package that Will Be a Stake in Your Heart and End Your Presidency!”