James Fetzer: Clever Forensic Investigation Offers Compelling Evidence Covid-19 is a Scamdemic

Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media
Jim Fetzer

Clever Forensic Investigation Offers Compelling Evidence Covid-19 is a Scamdemic

“Since we came to realize we could not trust the CDC’s 2020 death claims, we thought to search the most verifiable source of deaths: obituaries,” Dr. Huber said. “Remarkably, obituaries of real, identifiable, deceased individuals declined by almost 18% from 2019 to 2020.”

Dr. Huber’s full white paper analysis “Data That Disprove the Covid-19 Pandemic” is available online here: https://pdmj.org/papers/is_there_a_pandemic/

Mongoose: Unverified Very Possibly True We Pray This Be So, 5 UPDATES

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader says: A friend forwarded this info to me. It comes from a blogger in Belgium named Mike Doms. The text was originally in French, so I used translate.google for English:

The official announcement of martial law and legitimate military government, in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT). The official announcement of the arrest of Biden as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).

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Andrew Napolitano: The Constitution Is Not For Sale

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

The Constitution Is Not For Sale

The DIA and other domestic American spy entities — there are 16 that the government acknowledges it operates — have taken the view that because the tracking software is available commercially, and because the domestic spies are intelligence and not law enforcement, they need not obtain a warrant. Stated differently, because the DIA did not seek to use its powers to compel a warrantless search of phone records, but rather stole phone signals, it committed no wrong!

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Matt Ehret: How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed

Since it has become increasingly evident that a vast extension of the Patriot Act will soon be unveiled that threatens to re-define “the war on terror” to include essentially anyone who disagrees with the governing neoliberal agenda, it is probably a good time to evaluate how and why terrorism – domestic or otherwise – has tended to arise over the past century.

Continue reading “Matt Ehret: How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed”