Robert Steele: Mass Layoffs Good, Jobs Re-Training Better

03 Economy, Ethics, Government

Greg Hunter has a good interview with John Rubino  that I embed below the fold.  What everyone is missing is that most jobs under the Deep State economic model are cubicle rat and lower service jobs, not meaningful work; and that if President Donald Trump confiscates via civil and criminal forfeiture $100 Trillion from Wall Street — in return all the white collar criminals get to avoid jail (or death) — then he has enough for the national economic tri-fecta:

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Robert Steele: Movie B Roll Photos

Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Offbeat Fun

In reverse order, as requested for the movie about to be released.  There are no releasable photos from my time as a spy.

1994 Against all opposition from the CIA, resigned from the USMC and kept going with the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) revolution. Former DCI Bill Colby understood — he was murdered two years later.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Movie B Roll Photos”

BREAKING: Martin Armstrong on US Political Corruption — And Why Trump Makes Sense

Corruption, Government

There are TWO MAJOR types of People who Want to be President

All Republics collapse into oligarchies as ours is doing right now. They control both sides of the aisle and they will do whatever they need to do to win. I do not write out of theory. I have actually been in meeting on the Hill many times for decades. I have seen how government works from the inside out.   . . .

This is where Trump falls into line. You miss the entire point. Trump will return to a private life so he will NOT impose a law that he himself would find Draconian. Career politicians return to NOTHING. They are taken care of for the rest of their lives and get millions in speaking fees. Obama is in the top-10 highest paid speakers getting $400,000 for a few minutes.