SchwartzReport: Plastic Guns Drive Home the Criminal Insanity of “The Western Way” of Security

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DHS, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportIt is amazing how an inexpensive technological development can render irrelevant billions of dollars of investment. In this case the security apparatus of Homeland Security. When I did the original 3-D printing story about three years ago the printers cost $50,000. Just a few weeks ago, when these printers hit the news big time the printers were $8,000. In this story the printer used was $2,600. I predict, within a year 3-D printers that can print guns will be less than $1000. Clearly dealing with terrorism requires new strategies, a different approach than asking people to surrender their civil liberties, and billions spent on building a huge intrusive security apparat.  Click through to see the many pictures which will add to your understanding of what this issue involves.

How Mail On Sunday ‘Printed' First Plastic Gun in UK Using a 3D Printer, Then Took It On Eurostar

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Jim W. Dean: Peace Activists are Extremists? Call DHS Stupid and Be Labeled a Terrorist?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Homeland Security Blames Boston on Public

Homeland Security admits Boston security failure


But it gets worse. When those in their own ranks try to bring attention to huge security holes in their operations the DHS’s full resources are put upon them, wasting more taxpayer money chasing bogus ‘domestic’ security threats.

Click for DVD Website

The Obama administration has done nothing about the story I am about to tell you, and our ‘free press’ has suppressed it. Even the famous investigative journalism show, 60 Minutes, never aired their interview with DHS officer/supervisor for Customs and Border Protection, Julia Davis, back in 2004.

Julia Davis reported a Homeland Security failure to the FBI and was designated a domestic terrorist, at one point having 54 investigations going against her.

Briefly, Ms. Davis got intelligence that 23 foreign visitors from terrorist watch list countries were going to be passing through one of our southern border crossing points when there was Intel chatter about a Fourth of July attack. The average at the time was only 5 to 10 of these entries a month.

When she passed the word up her chain of command she was told not to worry about it. She later found out that Border Intel authorities responsible for debriefing such people were attending a July 4th barbecue… taking the day off.

So being the good soldier that she was and honoring the oath of office that she took, she informed the FBI so someone would know that these people were all going to be passed through with no special interviews. She did not go outside the chain of command. She did her job.

DHS subsequently came down on her like a ton of bricks. To circumvent all of her constitutional rights they simply classified her as a ‘domestic terrorist’. That’s right folks, that’s exactly what they did, which meant DHS could do just about anything they wanted to her without needing to get warrants.

At the peak of the harassment she endured, DHS had 54 investigations ongoing at God only knows the cost to the taxpayers. Her home was raided with a Black Hawk helicopter and 27-man SWAT team, a larger force than that used on the bin Laden compound in Pakistan. She was arrested twice, imprisoned, and then completely cleared of any wrong doing.

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Eagle: Robo-Litigation Law Review Article — Still to be Documented: Crooked Judges, Especially in Florida and Maryland

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…



Cleveland State Law Review Vol 60 2013)


The recent housing crisis increased demand for attorneys to process foreclosures through state courts. This increase in demand was coupled with a desire for the fastest and cheapest legal services available. As a result, large foreclosure firms designed to handle an enormous number of foreclosure cases quickly and inexpensively evolved and flourished. During their ascendancy, these firms consistently generated complaints about their conduct, including questions about their ethical decision-making and about the veracity of the pleadings and documents they filed. Scholarly literature on the housing crisis, however, is largely devoid of
commentary on ethical issues related to increased foreclosures.

This Article tracks the rise and fall of several notorious high volume foreclosure firms and to examine the numerous instances of serious misconduct their attorneys and paralegals perpetrated. The Article accordingly examines the curiously muted reaction from state bar associations, judges, and state legislators.

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Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Global Research  will be publishing a series of articles and reports with a view to promoting “Boston Truth”.  The underlying objective is  to confront and challenge the official version of events concerning the Boston bombings as well as the twisted and convoluted interpretations of the mainstream media.

We invite our readers to endorse “Boston Truth” and spread the word on social media, independent media and blog sites.

Nine thousand heavily armed police including SWAT teams were deployed in a manhunt to capture a 19 year old student at U-Mass, after his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston Marathon terror mastermind was shot dead by police allegedly  after a car chase and shoot out with police.

Continue reading “Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?”

Theophillis Goodyear: Bring a Stupid Teen-Ager is Now a Felony

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Theophillis Goodyear
Theophillis Goodyear

It may be idiocy but it is also fascism — zero tolerance means the state defines all speech as subject to state definition — both a tautalogical redundancy and a clear and present overturning of the Constitutional right to free speech.

Teenagers, social media, and terrorism: a threat level hard to assess

Authorities are leaning more toward zero tolerance of teenagers who fling around online threats about acts of violence or terrorism. As a result, what might have once merited a slap on the wrist may today result in criminal charges.

The case of teenager Cameron Dambrosio might serve as an object lesson to young people everywhere about minding what you say online unless you are prepared to be arrested for terrorism.

The Methuen, Mass., high school student was arrested last week after posting online videos that show him rapping an original song that police say contained “disturbing verbiage” and reportedly mentioned the White House and the Boston Marathon bombing. He is charged with communicating terrorist threats, a state felony, and faces a potential 20 years in prison. Bail is set at $1 million.

Whether the arrest proves to be a victory in America‘s fight against domestic terrorism or whether Cameron made an unfortunate artistic choice in the aftermath of the Boston bombing will become clear as the wheels of justice advance. What is apparent now, however, is that law enforcement agencies are tightening their focus on the social media behavior of US teenagers – not just because young people often fit the profile of those who are vulnerable to radicalization, but also because the public appears to be more accepting of monitoring and surveillance aimed at preventing attacks, even at the risk of government overreach.

Read full article.

 See Also (Exact Words in Rap):

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Berto Jongman: YouTube (19:57) American Drone – Operation Paul Revere Contest

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being watched in Europe.

Phi Beta Iota: This is RIVETING and this is REAL. Every US citizen should watch all 19 minutes and 57 seconds.  It is a study in ethics — and a reminder that we all swear an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies domestic and foreign — we  do not swear an oath to obey nakedly amoral criminals in the chain of command.

American Drone – Operation Paul Revere contest

Published on May 1, 2013

Submitted to the ‘Operation Paul Revere' contest, hosted by

SchwartzReport: Judge Convicted of Selling Teens to Prisons — and Guantanamo Costs Taxpayer $900,000 a Year Per Prisoner

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Military

schwartz reportThis is what prison privatization is leading to. This is not the first case like this of of Judicial corruption. Yet it is full steam ahead for corporate prisons. How can anyone think that corporate prisons was a good idea?

Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for Selling Teens to Prisons
LOU COLAGIOVANNI – Examiner (Houston)

Disgraced Pennsylvania judge Mark Ciavarella Jr has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for conspiring with private prisons to sentence juvenile offenders to maximum sentences for bribes and kickbacks which totaled millions of dollars. He was also ordered to pay $1.2 million in restitution.

Read full article.

The necocons' terror-war prison and court system, as should have been obvious from the beginning, is evil. It violates every tenet of the Constitution, and has become a machine that makes enemies. Its outrages recruit and create terrorists.

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