Steve Aftergood: Legality of Targeted Killing of Suspected Terrorists Reviewed by CRS

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Steven Aftergood


The legality of targeted killing of suspected terrorists, including U.S. citizens, was examined in a memorandum prepared for members of Congress by the Congressional Research Service.

The U.S. practice of targeted killing raises complex legal issues because it cuts across several overlapping legal domains.  To the extent that the U.S. is actually at war with the targeted persons, the “law of armed conflict” would provide the appropriate legal framework, though the relevance of this framework far from a “hot battlefield” is disputed.  Outside of armed conflict, the U.S. could be acting under the related but distinct laws of “self-defense.”  The use of lethal force in law enforcement operations offers another way of conceiving of and evaluating anti-terrorist strikes.  In all cases, the sovereignty of the nation where the strike occurs adds a further layer of legal complexity.  With respect to targets who are U.S. citizens, the applicability of the U.S. Constitution is yet another urgent issue.

Obama Administration officials have discussed targeted killing in several public speeches since 2010, but have evaded detailed public questioning on the subject.  The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has prepared a memorandum on the targeting of suspected terrorists who are U.S. citizens, as reported by the New York Times, but it has refused to release the OLC memorandum or even to publicly acknowledge that it exists.  Meanwhile, Congress has been largely silent and acquiescent.

The CRS memorandum, entitled “Legal Issues Related to the Lethal Targeting of U.S. Citizens Suspected of Terrorist Activities,” was prepared in May 2012 by legislative attorney Jennifer K. Elsea.  It presents an overview of the pertinent legal context, and then carefully parses official Administration statements in an attempt to infer a detailed legal rationale for lethal targeting.  A copy was obtained by Secrecy News.

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Mini-Me: Marine Officer on 9/11 – The Anomalies Continue to Surface

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Knowledge, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Politics
Who? Mini-Me?


Phi Beta Iota:  As President Barack Obama faces what David Gergen calls one of three “choice” or turning point elections in modern US history, one has to wonder where he stands on the subject of the truth.  Below the line is a methodical review with many links from retired Marine Corps officer Jim Fetzer, who focuses on the Cheney-dominated US Government at the time.  Equally troubling facts can be asserted on the New York end by focusing on Larry Silverstein and Rudy Guliani.  If ever a sitting President had a ready-made opportunity for eradicating an opposing political party by enabling the truth to be told about a major event in modern US history, Barack Obama is that President.  We do not favor a traditional justice approach here, but rather a Truth & Reconciliation Commission.  If Barack Obama were to sponsor The Smart Nation Act, the Electoral Reform Act of 2012, a Truth & Reconciliation Commission on 9/11, and the immediate decriminalization of marijuana and then of all other drugs [with a jobs program equal to the challenge of existing unemployment and emptied prisons with restored voting rights], it would be game over.  Then instead of having to fight for credibility and traction every day, he might actually be able to govern in 2013-2016.  On the other hand, if President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are intent on demonstrating there is no substantive difference between the two parties that control the electoral process and the disbursement of the public treasury, they should continue to do precisely what they are doing now.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Marine Officer on 9/11 – The Anomalies Continue to Surface”

Mini-Me: Asian Deep Wealth versus US/EU Illuminati/Nazis

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Who? Mini-Me?


Benjamin Fulford Update 8-21-12…”Cabal Control Is Disintegrating At An Accelerating Pace On Multiple Fronts”


  • …the IMF is now officially calling for an Iceland style solution (bust the banks and arrest corrupt bankers and politicians who accepted their bribes).
  • Now the most brainwashed people in the West are failing to explain the contradictions of their so-called leaders.
  • Neil Keenan’s liens… are now set to be refiled as early as this Friday… [they] have way more evidence backing them than the original Keenan lawsuit ever did…
  • Keenan says he has the backing of the pentagon and most of the US law enforcement establishment as well as Interpol.
  • The Japanese underworld and all major Yakuza gangs have now agreed to stop working for the cabal and take action against their puppets.

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Mini-Me: Wisconsin Sikh False Flag? Multiple Shooters Witnessed

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Who? Mini-Me?


Wisconsin Sikh Shooting False Flag: Multiple Shooters, Army Psy-OPs, the FBI, Operation Gladio, and the SPLC


A major question that remains in regards to Wade Michael Page is whether or not he was actually the live shooter or was set up as a patsy like so many other lone gunman in the past.

Following almost exactly the same pattern as the Colorado Theater Batman Shooting, numerous eyewitnesses have reported at least 4 different shooters just as the FBI claims that there is no reason to believe there was more than one shooter.

Family members of victims in the shooting reported that there were multiple shooters and one eyewitness even noted that men were seen casing the area beforehand.

“Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation.”

The leader of the temple also confirmed that he had seen at least two suspicious looking men looking over the area before the shooting.

Clearly this shooting seems to be an organized operation and is being covered up by the corporate media as they push the lone gunman neo-nazi narrative down the throats of America, completely ignoring all witness accounts and other inconvenient facts that would expose this horrific false flag.

Read full post with videos and photos.

Phi Beta Iota:  Elements of the US Government — including elements within the US Army, the CIA, and the FBI as well as elements within the JCS, have been documented–indisputably documented–as being engaged in the murder of US citizens for political purposes and/or accepting murder of US citizens as a necessary cost of doing business.  We are concerned.  This incident will not be honestly investigated, as 9/11 was not honestly investigated, as Waco, Oklahoma, the USS Liberty, and so many other events have not been honestly investigated.  The US Government desperately needs a ruthless counterintelligence service, but first it needs an honest Congress and an honest White House.

Mini-Me: Bailout Money Went to China, USG Prepares for Martial Law?

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Who? Mini-Me?


Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America

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Santilli explains that his knowledge of Rex 84 provides that within the document, one of the scenarios that would cause a complete suspension of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and implement martial law would be a financial collapse. He says once the collapse occurs, the US government and defense agencies estimate they have a 72 hour window to activate all procedures to ensure continuity of government as well as a lockdown of the general population as civilian unrest, riots and outbreaks of violence are anticipated.

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The Deutsche Bank informant says that the cause for the bailout of the banks was a large sum of cash needed quickly to repay China who had purchased large quantities of mortgage-backed securities that went belly-up when the global scam was realized. When China realized that they had been duped into buying worthless securitized loans which would never be repaid, they demanded the actual property instead. The Chinese were prepared to send their “people” to American shores to seize property as allocated to them through the securitized loan contracts.

Read full post.

Phi Beta Iota:   On the Chinese receiving a payoff (as well as the Russians), probably–perhaps a third.  Explicit death threats against Goldman Sachs owners and others in Wall Street were in the air at the time.  Unlike the “control fraud” that characterizes the US Government, the Chinese and Russians know their bankers by name, and hold them accountable for fraud.  On martial law: probably but ineffectively.  The US Government is rapidly approaching its limits.  It is not possible to micro-manage complexity in collapse.  What the US Government (and the Department of Homeland Security specificially) should be doing is accelerating local resilience as fast as possible –all stop on the industrial-era prok, full-speed ahead on everything that makes local water, food, energy, and health a reality.


Goldman Sachs Facebook Scam – Predicted One Year Before…

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement


Click on Image to Enlarge

Critical Lessons from the Facebook Scam: A Blast from the Past

by Mike Stathis

Veterans Today, 1 August 2012 [ with repeat of 11 January 2011]


Next, there’s the valuation based on how much the business owner can inflate the sales price. I will call this the seller’s valuation. Usually, when the buyer plans on keeping the business there is a back and forth struggle for final valuation between buyer and seller. But when the buyer is an investment bank the valuation is based largely on how much they think they can flip it to others for in a public offering. So in this later case the company only receives seller’s valuation because the buyers aren’t involved in the valuation process.  Thus, as you can imagine when Wall Street gets involved in the IPO game, many stocks collapse within a couple of years of their IPO price.

Phi Beta Iota:  It's not a conspiracy if the facts bear out the story.  We are not completely comfortable with this account, but as with the 9/11 truth movement, there is more than enough here to warrant indictments and send people to jail.  When a government does not do that–does not defend the public interest–it is called “control fraud” which means that the government is complicit in the crime.

See Also:

Continue reading “Goldman Sachs Facebook Scam – Predicted One Year Before…”

DefDog: Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Shines on 4th Amendment

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

Gov't surveillance ‘unreasonable' & violated the 4th amendment ‘at least once'

Ms. Smith

NetworkWorld, 23 July 2012

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence declassified three of Sen. Wyden's comments about FISA power. It also admitted the U.S. has violated the Fourth Amendment at least once when it comes to warrantless wiretaps done under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.

It's official; the government's spying efforts exceeded the legal limits at least once, meaning it is also officially “unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment.” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) sent a letter [PDF] to Sen. Ron Wyden giving permission to admit that much.

This started with Sen. Wyden requesting that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) declassify some statements regarding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) enacted by the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 (FAA). Although this FISA power is supposed to sunset in December 2012, in May a new senate bill extended the warrantless wiretapping program for five more years. That vote was regarded as the first step “toward what the Obama administration hopes will be a speedy renewal of an expanded authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to monitor the U.S. e-mails and phone calls of overseas targets in an effort to prevent international terrorist attacks on the country.” Before Congress votes, Sen Wyden wants it know more about such surveillance powers.

Wyden believes the FAA of 2008 “has sometimes circumvented the spirit of the law,” reported Politico. Although the DNI does not go so far as to admit that, it does not dispute that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court found such massive surveillance to be “unreasonable” on “at least one occasion.”

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