Mongoose: Florida Nukes Antifa/BLM (and Threatens Bloomberg with Indictment)

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

This is what all Governors should be doing.

DeSantis did not shoot across the bow of Antifa/BLM, he dropped a tactical nuke.

Violent assembly, 3rd degree felony.  Blocking the road? Felony. Don’t touch monuments (no mention of penalty) Harassment of Citizens in public accommodations also penalized, ,  My most thunderous applause was when he announced that R.I.C.O. will be applied to those organizing or funding riots. If you are arrested in a riot, not Portland’s Catch and Release: you are staying till you see a judge. Touch a cop? Six months mandatory minimum.  And enhanced penalties for other crimes committed during the riots. (ouch).

To municipalities “If you defund the police, then the state is going to defund any grants or aids coming to you.”

Video below the fold.

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Constitutional Sheriffs: Vet Your Sheriff (Free)

Ethics, Law Enforcement

In February, 2016 CSPOA Leadership developed #VETYOURSHERIFF as a non-partisan initiative focused solely on the Constitution.

The Sheriff is the CLEO, or CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, of his/her county. As an elected official he/she is the ultimate protector of the people providing a check and balance locally, for any state or federal agency that may infringe the constitutional rights of the people.

We believe that these honorable men and women are ready and willing to serve to the best of their ability and want to identify those who have strong constitutional values. The sheriff is a citizen first, elected by citizens (the people) and answers ONLY TO THE PEOPLE.

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Yoda: Constitution — and Sheriffs — Emergegent

Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

CSPOA: Over 40 Sheriffs Stand Against Governor Newsom in California! Time to Deputize Posses?

Retired Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), has been training county sheriffs for more than a decade on how to keep their oath of office.

Now, due to the excessive tyrannical COVID dictates terrorizing the nation, there is a new-found demand for the services of CSPOA, and they recently started a monthly “Ask Sheriff Mack Any Question You Wantcall-in program to educate people on the Constitutional role of County Sheriffs.

Read more.

Join CSPOA — Open to All — Huge Value Offered

James Fetzer: Updates on Sandy Hook Lawsuit – Prediction by Robert Steele UPDATE from Alert Reader + Ryan Dawson Video on Twelve Zionist Billionaires

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement

Here are the three latest documents on the Sandy Hook lawsuit brought by Pozner against Fetzer.

Continue reading “James Fetzer: Updates on Sandy Hook Lawsuit – Prediction by Robert Steele UPDATE from Alert Reader + Ryan Dawson Video on Twelve Zionist Billionaires”