See Also: HCQ @ Phi Beta Iota
BitChute Back Up Below the Fold
New Ad Depicts 2020 Election as a War
The year 2016 brought BREXIT and the Trump election. Socrates was then forecasting that the 2020 presidential election would be the most corrupt and violent in American history. That forecast appears to be on point. This new advertisement supporting Trump by an external group is very telling. Socrates has also shown that this COVID-19 pandemic has been manufactured and by no means has the entire society ever been locked down in a quarantine of this magnitude.
Continue reading “Martin Armstrong: 2020 USA Civil War Video (09:29)”
Utterly brilliant, is Kalev Leetaru.
Social Media Imposing Modern-Day Hays Code on Political Speech
In the case of this week’s ban, the story is all the more remarkable because the video in question was actually a cable TV interview with the nation’s leader, meaning that social platforms were in effect banning a major news organization’s reporting. As news is increasingly consumed through social media, the upshot is that the online platform’s acceptable speech rules are being applied to traditional news outlets.
EXCLUSIVE: New York Times Owners Descended from Slave-Holding Family, Published Pro-Lynching Articles Claiming ‘Republican Party Committed Great Public Crime’ When Giving Blacks The Right to Vote
Writing in the New York Post this weekend, columnist Michael Goodwin explained The New York Times, under the leadership of Arthur Ochs, published an editorial in 1900 saying the Democratic Party “may justly insist that the evils of negro suffrage were wantonly inflicted on them.”
Continue reading “Betty Boop: CANCEL NYT & Democrats for Opposing Black Vote!”
The Great Corona Con: Exposing Journalistic Malpractice
On July 5th of this year – following weeks of steady decline – the United States recorded 263 deaths from COVID-19.
One would expect it would have quickly generated a spate of celebratory headlines. However, this is not what happened that day.
The failure of major media to report truthfully is inexcusable, since accurate information would enable our society to deal with this crisis in a more reasonable manner.
When Corporate Power Is Your Real Government, Corporate Media Is State Media
In a corporatist system of government, where no hard lines are drawn between corporate/financial power and state power, corporate media is state media. Since bribery is legal in the US political system in the form of corporate lobbying and campaign donations, America's elected government is controlled by wealthy elites who have money to burn and who benefit from maintaining a specific status quo arrangement.
I’ll say it straight out: Wearing masks is stupid, senseless, silly, sophomoric and downright servile. There’s not a doctor in the country who doesn’t know that masks are absolutely worthless when it comes to preventing the spread of a virus. And if your doctor is truly stupid enough to believe otherwise, you need to find another doctor—FAST.