SchwartzReport: Media Disinformation, FISA Court Improprieties

Corruption, Government, Media

schwartz reportThere is something very wrong about the narrative of the Edward Snowden story. I agree with this essay. Everything is focused on Snowden and not on what his leaks have revealed. A story with profound implications for our society has devolved instead into a kind of thriller movie script.

About the Reuters Article
GLENN GREENWALD – The Guardian (U.K.)

The entire security apparat, perhaps because it is predicated on priorities other than those of the Constitution is inherently in conflict with democracy. Here is yet another aspect of what I mean.

John Roberts’ Scary Secret Powers
JOAN WALSH, Editor-at-Large – Salon

Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccines do Irreparable Harm + Vaccine Harm RECAP

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Media
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

When will government health departments start paying attention?

Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland

A new scientific review from Poland discusses irreparable harm done by vaccines.

This review addresses the issue in terms of adverse effects, immune system effects, neurological symptoms following vaccination, and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit. It centers mostly on studies not often referenced in the western world, providing fresh and broad-ranging information.

An honest reading of the study can leave little doubt that harm done may be extensive and often permanent.

Read full article detailing adverse effects.

Continue reading “Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccines do Irreparable Harm + Vaccine Harm RECAP”

Chuck Spinney: CIA Media Entanglement and Snowden Story

Corruption, Government, Media
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

The corporate media's long relationship with the spook world may help explain why it doesn't like Snowden

Sam Smith, Undernews, 2013-07-07 11:15 AM

This obituary is of note because it is a rare example of that long-time media bedfellow of spooks, the Washington Post, telling a piece of the story of the long relationship between the corporate media and the spook world. Other examples follow.

Washington Post – Austin Goodrich, an undercover CIA officer during the Cold War who also worked for several years as a CBS television correspondent before his identity was unmasked, died June 9 at his home in Port Washington, Wis. He was 87…

While stationed in Oslo and Stockholm early in his clandestine career, he sought a suitable occupation to cover his true profession. He assumed a dual identity as reporter and spy.

At the same time that he was recruiting sources to provide information on the Soviet threat, Mr. Goodrich was meeting the deadlines of a working journalist. He reported on sports for the International Herald Tribune, contributed pieces to Swedish radio programs and, in the early 1950s, became a stringer for CBS News.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: CIA Media Entanglement and Snowden Story”

Berto Jongman: YouTube (46:03) Geoengineering with Toxic Metal Particles that Create Drought and Deluge — Media Meterologists Under Sanction, Not Allowed to Discuss — Killing Life Across All Forms

Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Media, Military, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Fully documented, quite troubling.

Published on Jun 20, 2013

In this video, Dane Wigington gives a presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is no more critical topic today. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

Long discussion accompanying tape below the line.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: YouTube (46:03) Geoengineering with Toxic Metal Particles that Create Drought and Deluge — Media Meterologists Under Sanction, Not Allowed to Discuss — Killing Life Across All Forms”

Robin Good: Curation with Noowit

Civil Society, Crowd-Sourcing, Innovation, Media
Robin Good
Robin Good

Noowit is a new curation and publishing platform that allows you to do on the web something very similar to what Flipboard allows you to do with your smartphone or tablet. You can curate a beautiful-looking web magazine, by selecting content from its internal news discovery engine or by clipping any content you find on the web with the dedicated NOOWIT bookmarklet.

On the backend you can select individual topics, authors and specific sources you want to subscribe to, to keep yourself informed. You can provide specific RSS feeds or import your collection of RSS subscriptions.  You can create multiple content sections inside a magazine and when you add new content you can easily decide in which section it is going to end up.  A swift navigation scheme provides almost seamless integration between the excerpted content that appears in the magazine and the full, original resource that you can navigate to without losing touch with the rest of the magazine.  NOOWIT magazines can be set to be public or private and they can be viewed across devices and screen of all sizes.  Like on Flipboard it is now possible to edit, modify or add to content that you pick and select to be added to your magazines.

My comment: NOOWIT easily creates great-looking digital magazines of your selected articles and resources. It is a great tool for anyone wanting to create easily a “splashy” curated digital magazine that looks great across devices with the minimum effort possible.

Private beta:


Example I created:

Chuck Spinney: Syria as a Case Study in the Failure of Democracy, Economics, Foreign Policy, Governance, and Intelligence

Corruption, Government, Media, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Attached is another excellent report by Patrick Cockburn on the disorientating nature of contemporary yellow journalism in the Syrian Civil War.

Of course, disorientation is not a new problem in war: Sun Tzu said, “All war is based on deception.”

But the ability to manipulate data and images with high-tech computing technology and then distribute that manufactured ‘reality' nearly instantaneously, and at very low cost, has increased and decentralized the power to deceive.  This decentralization of the power to disorient has made everyone from Barack Obama to John Q. Average American more vulnerable to the self deception of an incestuously amplifying OODA loop*, and in so doing, it has spread confusion, disorder … and culpability throughout the political decision-making system.

This ambiguity goes beyond centrally orchestrated propaganda and raises what may the central question of contemporary governance in a system based on the assumptions of a representative democracy :  Who are the real decision makers in an evolving decision making system (or OODA loop) that is pulled and twisted by a plethora of ephemeral shadows in a cave?


* Readers unfamiliar with the nature of incestuous amplification in OODA loops will find a brief explanation in my essay Iraq Invasion Anniversery: Inside the Decider's Head.

Chuck Spinney

Port de Plaisance,Taverna, Corsica

Foreign media portrayals of the conflict in Syria are dangerously inaccurate

World View: It is naive not to accept that both sides are capable of manipulating the facts to serve their own interests

Patrick Cockburn

Independent, 30 June 2013

Every time I come to Syria I am struck by how different the situation is on the ground from the way it is pictured in the outside world. The foreign media reporting of the Syrian conflict is surely as inaccurate and misleading as anything we have seen since the start of the First World War. I can't think of any other war or crisis I have covered in which propagandistic, biased or second-hand sources have been so readily accepted by journalists as providers of objective facts.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Syria as a Case Study in the Failure of Democracy, Economics, Foreign Policy, Governance, and Intelligence”

Rickard Falkvinge: When Journalism Dies, Tyranny Thrives

Corruption, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Media
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

With Journalism Persecuted, The United States Is Now At Event Horizon To A Police State

Repression:  Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian reporter who published Edward Snowden’s leaks, was recently suggested to be a criminal for shining light on the NSA’s abuse of power. This is a key identifiable step when societies close down; it is a point of no return. It seems the United States is reaching the event horizon to a police state.

Read full post.