Jean Lievens: Digital World Increasing Access and Value of Old Content

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The digital world is changing the value of media content

Free of shelf-space limitations, the web's ability to make ‘golden oldies' accessible to everyone forever will force us to reassess the importance of ‘newness'


So, in the not too distant future, “the newest” may not be the most attractive. It's going to change the equation of value and quality.

Owning the rights to “classics” – great music or film or video libraries – means an annuity in perpetuity.  Think of this as buying Rembrandts. They stopped making them years ago and so the value only continues to appreciate.

We are, all of us, the products of our life experience in the linear world. This is what we grew up with. We have a natural expectation that the “new stuff” is going to be better and much more desirable than the “old stuff”. We would rather have a 2013 Mercedes than a 1987 one.  We would rather see the “new” Great Gatsby than the “old” one.

But in the future, this may not be the case. The value may be much more for the “old” stuff than the “new”.  (What is worth more, an “old” Rembrandt or a “new” one?)

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Sheila Casey: Photographic Essay on False Flag Theater — Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage + Boston False Flag Meta-RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media
Sheila Casey

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage

 “Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?”Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.

 By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon bombing is of Chechen terrorists who unleashed weapons of mass destruction, killing four and wounding 264 in an unthinkable scene of “bodies flying into the street”, “so many people without legs” and “blood everywhere.”

Everyone ignores the man who just lost his legs.
Everyone ignores the man who just lost his legs.

A massive police response followed, with 9,000 federal, state, FBI and Department of Homeland Security troops conducting door-to-door searches to find and subdue the “armed and extremely dangerous” suspects. Cops unceremoniously ousted residents from their homes to set up impromptu battle stations, and one aimed a gun at a resident who was snapping his picture from a window.

For the vast majority of the American population, this is the truth and they feel no need to look further. Yet those who are willing to question the narrative we’ve been sold and take a hard look behind the curtain may be in for a surprise. Based on the video and photo record, it seems clear that the lead actor in this production—the most grievously wounded, as well as the man who fingered Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the bomber—was faking his injuries, as were most of those allegedly hurt by the first bomb.  We were told his name is Jeff Bauman, but since that can’t be verified and his survival is unbelievable to the point of being miraculous, we’ll simply call him Miracle Man.

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Paul Craig Roberts: How Elites and Media Minimize Dissent and Bury Truth

Commerce, Corruption, Media
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts

How Elites and Media Minimize Dissent and Bury Truth

Over the last several years I have watched the rise of an important new intellect on the American scene. Ron Unz, publisher of The American Conservative, has demonstrated time and again the extraordinary ability to reexamine settled issues and show that the accepted conclusion was incorrect.

One of his early achievements was to dispose of the myth of immigrant crime by demonstrating that “Hispanics have approximately the same crime rates as whites of the same age and gender.” You can imagine the uproar, but Unz won the debate.

Unz provoked and prevailed in another controversy when he concluded that Mexican-Americans have approximately the same innate intelligence as whites, with their lower IQs being due to transitory socio-economic deprivation.

He next surprised by showing the connection between the declining real value of the minimum wage (about one-third less than in the 1960s) and immigration. Americans cannot survive on one-third less minimum income than four decades ago, and the unfilled jobs are taken by Hispanics who live many to the room. A higher minimum wage, Unz pointed out, would cure the illegal immigration problem as American citizens would fill the jobs.

I wrote about some of Unz’s remarkable findings. One of my favorites is his comparison of the responsiveness of the Chinese and US governments to their publics. I found his conclusion convincing that the authoritarian one-party Chinese government was more responsive to the Chinese people than democratic two-party Washington is to the American people.

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Jon Rappoport: Every TV Newscast is Theater — Keeping Your Mind Small

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Media
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Every television newscast is a staged event

by Jon Rappoport

May 9, 2013


It would never occur to him to wonder: are the squabbling political legislators really two branches of the same Party?  Does government have the Constitutional right to incur this much debt?  Where is all that money coming from?  Taxes?  Other sources?  Who invents money?

Is the flu dangerous for most people?  If not, why not?  Do governments overstate case numbers?  How do they actually test patients for the flu?  Are the tests accurate?  Are they just trying to convince us to get vaccines?

What happens when the government has overwhelming force and citizens have no guns?

When the researchers keep saying “may” and “could,” does that mean they’ve actually discovered something useful about Autism, or are they just hyping their own work and trying to get funding for their next project?

These are only a few of the many questions the typical viewer never considers.

Therefore, every story on the news broadcast achieves the goal of keeping the context small and narrow—night after night, year after year.  The overall effect of this, yes, staging, is small viewer, small viewer’s mind, small viewer’s understanding.

Billions of dollars are spent by the networks to build a reality the size of a room in a cheap motel.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: YouTube 14:17) 2012 Corbett Report on Media Manipulation

Corruption, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Published on Jan 2, 2012


As the US and Iranian governments escalate tensions in the already volatile Straits of Hormuz, and China and Russia begin openly questioning Washington's interference in their internal politics, the world remains on a knife-edge of military tension. Far from being a dispassionate observer of these developments, however, the media has in fact been central to increasing those tensions and preparing the public to expect a military confrontation. But as the online media rises to displace the traditional forms by which the public forms its understanding of the world, many are now beginning to see first hand how the media lies the public into war.

Learn more about the media manipulations behind the beginning of war in this week's GRTV backgrounder.

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Berto Jongman: Post-Industrial Journalism – A Report

Ethics, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

From the Columbia Journalism School.

Post Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present


More than any one strategy or capability, the core virtue in this environment is a commitment to adapting as the old certainties break and adopting the new capabilities we can still only partially understand, and to remember that the only reason any of this matters to more than the current employees of what we used to call the news industry is that journalism—real reporting, about whatever someone somewhere doesn’t want published—is an essential public good.