Marcus Aurelius: US Army Sounds Alarm – Military at “High Risk”

Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

If CSA said this publicly, it was a very risky move for him personally.  Absolutely best thing I've seen attributed to him.

US Army Chief Sounds Alarm: Military at ‘High Risk’

WASHINGTON — Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley sounded the alarm that the US Army is currently in a state of “high risk” when it comes to being ready enough to defend the nation and respond to a large conflict. “On the ‘high military risk,' to be clear, we have sufficient capacity and capability and readiness to fight counterinsurgency and counterterrorism,” Milley said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday. “My military risk refers specifically to what I see as emerging threats and potential for great power conflict and I am specifically talking about the time it takes to execute the task … and the cost in terms of casualties.”

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Joe Lauria: Why Muslims Hate the West…Understanding Legitimate Grievances that Explain Terrorism as a Tactic

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Joe Lauria
Joe Lauria

Why We’re Never Told Why We’re Attacked

Joe Lauria,, 9 April 2016

It seems to be an effort to cover up a long and ever more intense history of Western military and political intervention in the Middle East and the violent reactions it provokes, reactions that put innocent Western lives at risk. Indirect Western culpability in these terrorist acts is routinely suppressed, let alone evidence of direct Western involvement with terrorism.

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Mongoose: CIA Confirms No Justification for Iraq War — Time for Wrongful Death Lawsuits Against George Tenet and Dick Cheney?

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

The justification for going to war in Iraq thirteen years ago, was based on a 93-page classified document that allegedly contained “specific information” on former Iraqi leader President Saddam Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs he was apparently running. Now that document has been declassified and it reveals that there was virtually zero justification for the Iraq war. The document reveals that there was “no operational tie between Saddam and al Qaeda” and no WMD programs.

COMMENT from Todd Pierce Esquire:

I helped on a lawsuit last year against the officials responsible for the torture of Mohammad Jawad, a kid at the time. These cases against individuals no matter how heinous their acts are always dismissed on the grounds that the officials were “acting within the scope of their employment.” An updated and American version of the “I was just following orders;” the Nuremberg Defense. Which means we must unhesitatingly point out that our officials and judicial system have brought us down to the level of the Nazis and all other totalitarians.

Chuck Spinney: America’s Paper Tiger — a Pentagon Flush with Cash and Running on Empty

Corruption, Government, Military
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Flush With Cash, Running on Empty (IV)

Pentagon spending has not really been an issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign.  With the exception of Ted Cruz, the positions of the remaining candidates have been vague about even the size of the defense budget.  As near as I can tell: (1) Clinton’s position on the size of the Pentagon’s budget is that she will establish a blue ribbon commission to review defense policy and spending levels; (2) Trump claims without detail he can make the military great again but cut the budget at the same time; (3) Cruz says he will copy President Reagan's spending spree by using tax cuts to stimulate the economy and ramping up defense spending to 4% of GDP (more on this plan in a subsequent blaster); and (4) Sanders seems to want to cut the Pentagon’s budget, but has not detailed how.  No candidate appears to have noticed that President Obama has allowed the Pentagon to plant a defense budget time bomb in the form of modernization bow wave, although Obama's bow wave has been reported repeatedly in the defense circles, e.g., read full article.

Joachim Hagopian: Question Everything….

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Joachim HagopianThe Anti-Elite Don Trump Cow Tows and Panders before the Super Elite AIPAC

No sooner did I finish writing my last article inferring if not suggesting that Donald Trump may prove to be more than a thorn in the side of the ruling elite, a couple hours later I was watching his speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference. I stand by my account of accurately detailing the over-the-top rush to judgment and all the mass media hype the globalists are viciously attacking in efforts to smear and defame Donald Trump. Calling him the incarnate Adolf Hitler himself is the same mode of character assassination by which Western leaders and MSM have relentlessly demonized Vladimir Putin as the pure evil dictator he is not. But after watching Trump’s AIPAC speech yesterday, my wishful thinking that Trump may just be the anti-elitist champion America’s been desperately needing and waiting for was disappointingly shattered.

Continue reading “Joachim Hagopian: Question Everything….”

Ellen Brown: Hillary Clinton’s Libyan Agenda — It’s the Gold, Stupid!

Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Ellen Brown
Ellen Brown

Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary's Emails

Before 2011, Libya had achieved economic independence, with its own water, its own food, its own oil, its own money, and its own state-owned bank. It had arisen under Qaddafi from one of the poorest of countries to the richest in Africa. Education and medical treatment were free; having a home was considered a human right; and Libyans participated in an original system of local democracy. The country boasted the world's largest irrigation system, the Great Man-made River project, which brought water from the desert to the cities and coastal areas; and Qaddafi was embarking on a program to spread this model throughout Africa.

Among the emails to Clinton from Sidney Blumenthal:

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