2000 Cox (CA) Reflections of the former NATO Deputy N-2

Historic Contributions, Military, Peace Intelligence
Jim Cox
Jim Cox

Retired Army Brigadier General, with extensive UN and NATO experience. After a 38 year career, retired from the Canadian Forces in 2001. Currently work as an analyst in the Library of Parliament supporting the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence, the Senate Sub-Committee on Veterans Affairs and the Canada-NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Also pursuing a PhD in War Studies with the Royal Military College of Canada.

Phi Beta Iota: BGen Jim Cox, CA was the Deputy N-2 for the  Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) which is also the central headquarters element for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  If there is one person who can be identified as the “do-er” who took Capt Patrick Tyrrell's paper on the need for NATO OSINT, and ultimately mandated, funded, and saw through the creation of the three core NATO conceptual publications on OSINT, it would be Brigadier Cox.

2000 Cox Light Musings NATO

1997 Tyrell NTO OSINT Proposal

2000 Mueller (AT) Some Thoughts on Open Source

Historic Contributions, Military

Austrian military intelligence is concerned with central Asia as well as former elements of the USSR, and it has been a great benefit to the multinational participants to have Austian field grade officers in regular attendance.  At OSS 2000 Brigadier General Wolfgang Mueller brought back to the group his own service's experience and concerns.

Wolfgang Mueller
Wolfgang Mueller
Wolfgang Mueller
Wolfgang Mueller

2000 Politi (IT) The Birth of OSINT in Italy

Government, Historic Contributions, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Alessandro Politi
Alessandro Politi

Alessandro Politi was “present at the creation” in 1992, and on that occasion, while not a speaker, coined the term “intelligence minuteman” over dinner, and was instantly recognized as a thought leader.  he went on to pioneer modern OSINT within Italy as well as the Western European Union.

Golden Candle Award: Mr. Alessandro Politi, Western European Union OSS '93: Mr. Alessandro Politi, developer of “Intelligence Minuteman” concept and one of the leading advocates of open source intelligence within the Western European Union.

Click on the Frog to connect to his article about the “intelligence minuteman” concept as ultimately published in the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence.

NATO OSINT Handbook, Reader, & Intelligence Exploitation of the Internet
Politi in IJIC on Intelligence Minuteman