Paul Craig Roberts: Summary of USG Financial Fraud from Clinton to Obama

03 Economy, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts

The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover

CounterPunch, 19 February 2016

The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated.   . . .   The Federal Reserve’s zero interest rate policy was designed to support the balance sheets of the mega-banks and denied Americans interest income on their savings.  This policy decreased the incomes of retirees and forced the elderly to reduce their consumption and/or draw down their savings more rapidly, leaving no safety net for heirs.  Read more.

CounterPunch: TPP Unwrapped – Crime Against Humanity

Commerce, Corruption, Government

counterpunch squareGlobal Investor Right Protection in the Guise of Free Trade

Contrary to the neoliberal rhetoric of “free trade” and “improved standards” in which it is wrapped, the U.S.-sponsored measure isn’t really about trade. It certainly isn’t about meeting enhanced social and environmental requirements. Its real purpose is to strengthen corporations’ ability to defend and extend their intellectual property rights (drug patents, movie rights, and the like) and to guarantee that they will be compensated by governments for any profits they might lose from having to meet decent public labor and environmental (and other) specifications – something certain to discourage the enactment and enforce of such standards. Learn more.

Mongoose: US Corruption Goes Parabolic — Bitchain as a Control Vehicle for Confiscating Money

Corruption, Government

The Corruption In The U.S. Has Reached Insane Levels – Dave Kranzler

A digital currency system not only will enable the Government to monitor everything you do with your money, it will also enable them to more easily “corral” any money you keep in a bank in order to use that capital for the bail-ins which will inevitably hit the system when 2008 Redux hits the system.

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Hal Berghel: Secretocracy

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Hal Berghel
Hal Berghel


Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Secretocracy is an insidious, anti-democratic form of government sustained by secrecy and defined by an ill-informed body politic. Securocrats, and the military–industrial complex that feeds on them, increasingly use computing technology to prevent the electorate from accessing complete information.

PDF (5 Pages): Secretocracy

Full text below the fold.

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Marcus Aurelius: Cognitive Dissonance at Defense — Hollow Army, Hollow Generals

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

In the Pentagon’s new budget, the Air Force won and the Navy and Army lost (Washington Post, by Dan Lamothe, 09 Feb 2016)

This general ‘takes umbrage’ at the notion the U.S. military has been gutted (Washington Post, 09 Feb 2016)

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Antechinus: Flawed Models, Government-Industry Corruption on Regulation of Toxic Chemicals

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude

Flawed Models and Industry Influence Affects Regulation of Toxic Chemicals

The EPA regularly contracts with for-profit consultancies to perform risk assessments used in evaluations of toxic chemicals. This gives these private organizations considerable sway in the decision-making process, often with little transparency about ties to chemical manufacturers. Health effects researchers point to flawed computer simulations and the revolving door between the EPA and consulting firms as the reason industry-supported research often concludes that exposure risks are of no concern.