Berto Jongman: Ukraine False Flag – Definitive

Corruption, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Study Proves Maidan Snipers Were Western-Backed Opposition’s False Flag

Research conducted by the University of Ottawa on the Maidan “Snipers’ massacre” of February 2014 has shown that the killings of protestors were organized by far right paramilitary groups and allied political parties, not the former government’s Berkut riot police, as claimed by the current Kiev government and repeated by Western media.

DefDog: US Treason? – Did Johnson, McNamara, Rusk Provide North Viet-Nam with Target List One Day in Advance — Every Single Day?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Officers Call

Following is a quote of much interest, from pages 246/247 of The Secret War and Other Conflicts by General Pete Piotrowski, published in 2014.

“Nearly twenty years later, former Secretary of State Dean Rusk being interviewed by Peter Arnett on a CBC documentary called ‘The Ten Thousand Day War.' Mr Arnett asked, ‘It has been rumored that the United States provided the North Vietnamese government the names of the targets that would be bombed the following day.  Is there any truth to that allegation?' To everyone's astonishment and absolute disgust, the former Secretary responded, ‘Yes. We didn't want to harm the North Vietnamese people, so we passed the targets to the Swiss embassy in Washington with instructions to pass them to the NVN government through their embassy in Hanoi.1  Continue reading “DefDog: US Treason? – Did Johnson, McNamara, Rusk Provide North Viet-Nam with Target List One Day in Advance — Every Single Day?”

Fletcher Prouty: How CIA Really Works

Corruption, Government
Fletcher Prouty
Fletcher Prouty

How the CIA Controls President Ford 

the following appeared in the 7/75 issue of Genesis:
reprinted with permission of the author

In this monstrous U.S. government today, it's not so much what comes down from the top that matters as what you can get away with from the bottom or from the middle — the least scrutinized level. (Contrary to the current CIA propaganda as preached by William Colby, Ray Cline, Victor Marchetti and Philip Agee, who say, incorrectly, “What the Agency does is ordered by the President.”)

As with the Mafia, crime is a cinch if you know the cops and the courts have been paid off. With the Central Intelligence Agency, anything goes when you have a respected boss to sanctify and bless your activities and to shield them from outside eyes.

Full Text and additional article below the fold.

Continue reading “Fletcher Prouty: How CIA Really Works”

Bill Gertz: CIA’s Massive Counterintelligence Failure (Unprofessional for Decades)

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence
Bill Gertz
Bill Gertz

CIA fooled in massive counterintelligence failure, former officer writes

Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon

The CIA was fooled by scores of double agents pretending to be working for the agency but secretly loyal to communist spy agencies during the Cold War and beyond, according to a former CIA analyst, operations officer, and historian. The large-scale deception included nearly 100 fake CIA recruits in East Germany, Cuba, as well as the Soviet Union (and later Russia) who supplied false intelligence that was passed on to senior U.S. policymakers for decades.

Continue reading “Bill Gertz: CIA's Massive Counterintelligence Failure (Unprofessional for Decades)”

Mongoose: Irresponsible Government = Infectious Diseases

02 Infectious Disease, Corruption, Government

UK faces alarming rates of ‘Victorian’ diseases

London – It has been mistakenly assumed that ancient diseases are totally eradicated, especially in developed countries. The United Kingdom particularly is now facing a “Victorian” disease epidemic, as cases of tuberculosis, scurvy, cholera, whooping cough, and scarlet fever are rising alarmingly. Experts believe the main causes could be immigration, malnutrition, poverty and lack of access to health care.

Ty Simpson : Monsanto Closing 3 Research Centers, Cutting 2,600 Jobs

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption
Ty Simpson
Ty Simpson

Monsanto Reports the Closing of 3 Research and Development Centers

After announcing a 2,600 job cut

Following news made just weeks ago about Monsanto slashing 2,600 jobs and ending $3 billion to buy back shares from investors, the biotech giant is now reporting that it will be closing 3 research and development centers in order to cut costs in the agricultural commodities market.

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With more and more consumers looking for non-GMO food, the heyday for biotech patented seed just might be coming to an end.

Mongoose: Elliot Higgins & BellingCat Blown

Civil Society, Corruption, Media

Comments by Abe made in response to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) “A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack,”, provide compelling indictment of Elliot Higgins and BellingCat, pretenders in the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) world who have taken in the gullible in the mainstream media. We find these comments so useful we are preserving them in their entirely here below.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Elliot Higgins & BellingCat Blown”