Noah Feldman: The Unconstitutional Judiciary in the USA — Surrendering Judgment to the Executive AND Protecting a Private Cabal

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government
Noah Feldman
Noah Feldman

A court case so secret, US Govt says it can't go on

Phi Beta Iota: The story documents two subversions of the US Constitution. First, the judiciary is allowing Executive administrative claims to totally subject the rule of law — no facts, no judgment. Second, the government is further abusing its powers by using them to protect a private cabal from being held accountable for defamation. What would the authors of the US Constitution think? In a further irony, the author, a Harvard law professor, observes separately in his book The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State, that it is the executive imbalance of power –the neutering of the legislative and judicial branches — that produces dictatorships across the Muslim world.

Full story below the fold.

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SchwartzReport: American War Machine — Cash Cow for the 1% Swath of Destruction for the 99%

Corruption, Government, Military
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

You would think it would be obvious by now that the trillions of dollars we spend on the military industrial complex and its wars are not making us safer and that our geopolitical strategy is not producing the outcomes we seek.

How the American War Machine Is Sucking Up Vast Amounts of Cash to Screw Up the World

Who can even keep track of Pentagon operations and spending anymore?

SchwartzReport: GMO = Genetic Damage

01 Agriculture, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is the latest peer-reviewed research on GMOs and their effects on humans, in this case children.This is a nasty business driven by one imperative: Greed.

Children in GM soy-growing area of Argentina have genetic damage

Media article in Spanish     .     Study in English

SchwartzReport: The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) Secretive Right-Wing Corruption of the US Judiciary

Corruption, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I consider the corruption of the American judicial system to actually be worse that the corruption of the legislative branch of government. And the fact that a sitting Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, was present and contributed to this movement to skew the judiciary to reflect the views of the corporatist Theocratic Right, in my view, ought to be grounds for impeachment.

The JCN Story: How to Build a Secretive, Right-Wing Judicial Machine

Robin Good: Google is Neither Trusted Nor Relevant –Human Curation Still the Best

Commerce, Corruption
Robin Good
Robin Good

You Can Be a Trusted Guide To The Most Relevant Information Online: Not Google

Matt Rosoff writes on Business Insider UK: “A lot of people think Google Search is like a map: An objective guide to the best and most important material on the internet. It's not. Google Search is the most important product of a very wealthy and successful for-profit company. And Google will use this product to further its own commercial ends.” (Not to help people find the most relevant info to their own learning needs.)

Continue reading “Robin Good: Google is Neither Trusted Nor Relevant –Human Curation Still the Best”