Yoda: New York Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving COVID Order

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Law Enforcement

New York Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving COVID Order

Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo summed up the sheriffs’ objections nicely. “I can’t see how devoting our resources to counting cars in citizens’ driveways or investigating how much turkey and dressing they’ve purchased is for the public good,” Zurlo said in a press release.

This has nothing to do with “virus fatigue,” it’s a common-sense rebellion against insanity.

Robert Steele: Freeing Special Forces from Conventional Forces And Empowering Them with D3C and OSINT

Ethics, Military, Strategy

Purge: Spec-Ops Command Now Equal to Other Military Branches & Reports Directly to Trump’s SecDef

USDI has the right idea, but it is going to be a real challenge to free SOF not just from the conventional forces, but from the double-burden of all the embedded conventional uniformed and civilian “leaders” combined with all the young “boots” that were — against all dictates of past experience — taken into SOF without proving themselves to the SGT level in conventional forces.

My book,  Reinventing National Security, treated SOF as a separate force and found SOF wanting in many respects in part because conventional minds have taken over SOF and SOF drank  the secret IC kool-aid.

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Mongoose: Is Chabad Really Being Open About Conquering the World?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

In the very last two minutes of this video given below, of a worldwide Chabad online virtual event, the Jewish singer sings how they are conquering nation after nation. What does he mean ?

LIVE: Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries

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Ed Jewett: US Military Raided CIA Server Farm in Germany

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Unraveling the Deep State Coup

The courageous, brilliant duo of Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert stirred up a bit of a storm in the last few days with this tweet

“… I [Pat Lang] am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: US Military Raided CIA Server Farm in Germany”

Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?

Ethics, Government

Matt Taibbi deserves credit for opening my eyes to the possibility that everything we are watching is a Wrestlemania drama, with Joe Biden as the designated “heel” or loser.

Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi

The more I observe the calculated insanity of the Biden-Harris pedophile-transvestite team, the more I believe that President Trump has them under control and they are following a script.  Same for social media.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?”

Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, Special Forces Have Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

I can confirm from multiple sources with proven access to President Donald Trump that President Trump will not concede and that he has all the evidence he needs to fry the Deep State financial, political, and media miscreants.

Just as I was writing the above, Ed Jewett came in with the below.  It is a game changer.  Somewhere in here Angla Merkle must have “made the deal” with our President.

#Breaking #BreakingNews
People on the ground in #Germany report that #Scytl, hosting YOUR elections data Improperly through #Spain, was raided by a large #USARMY force & their Servers were Seized in Frankfurt. Scytl Bankrupt
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