Mini-Me: Benghazi — DoD “Timeline” and Reason for Not Dispatching Armed Aircraft (Incomplete Intelligence Picture on the Ground)

Government, Ineptitude, Military
Who? Mini-Me?



“Due to the incomplete intelligence picture on the ground, armed aircraft options were simply not feasible.”

DOD Releases Detailed Timeline for Benghazi Response

Dorian De Wind

The Moderate Voice, 10 November 2012

The Defense Department released a detailed timeline yesterday of the Pentagon’s response to the September attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

The following is the verbatim 10 November news release by the American Forces Press Service:

A senior defense official, speaking on background with Pentagon reporters, emphasized the rapid consultation, planning and troop pre-deployment actions defense leaders undertook in the first hours following the attack.

“With naval, Marine, special operations and air forces either employed or en route to Libya during the attacks, we responded,” the official said. “We mourn the loss of four American heroes in Benghazi.”

The military’s initial response began within minutes of the first incident in Benghazi, the official said: the attack on the U.S. consulate began at 3:42 p.m. EDT [9:42 p.m. Benghazi time], and by 5:10 EDT an unarmed surveillance aircraft was on station over the Benghazi compound.

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Mini-Me: US-UK to Persist in Destabilizing Syria — Never Mind the Fiscal Cliff, Decade of War “Coming to An End” Etcetera

Government, Ineptitude
Who? Mini-Me?


2012-11-07  Britain to organise armed Syrian rebels into efficient fighting force

2012-11-07   Efforts to oust Assad from Syria shift after US presidential election concludes

2012-11-07  UN flays Syria war spillover

2012-11-06  Syria envoy warns country could turn into Somalia

2012-11-06  From a distance, Syria ‘feels' like Iraq in 2004

Phi Beta Iota:  “Do not throw stones when you live in a glass house.”  We are already seeing discussions on the Internet about destabilizing the UK — here is one example:

This gives the Syrian government the full right to organize a militia of ex-cons in the UK to take down the government there by assassinations, cars explosions, shelling residential neighborhoods in main UK cities with mortar & artillery in retaliation.

Owl: Dewey Clarridge of Iran-Contra in Benghazi — Part of the Stanley Inc. Set Up or Just Crummy Business as Usual?

Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Who? Who?

Here Raimondo inserts a few more pieces into the jigsaw puzzle picture of what happened at Benghazi. His most notable observations are on the fly-by-night “Blue Mountain” security firm guarding the doomed diplomatic staff there and on Duanne Clarridge, former CIA case office and an alumnus of the covert Contra war, and who leads his own private version of the CIA with a presence in Libya:

The Mystery Behind the Benghazi Attack

Were the Obama administration and Ambassador Stevens set up?

by, November 05, 2012


The security arrangements for the Benghazi consulate, and indeed for all our operations in Libya, are under scrutiny, and one detail is being seized on: the hiring of a small and little-known outfit, Blue Mountain Security, based in the UK, to guard the Benghazi consulate.

. . . . . . .

Blue Mountain, described by UPI as “leading the way” for foreign mercenaries in Libya, found such a partner: the Eclipse Group, according to several news accounts. However, Eclipse isn’t “local,” not by any stretch of the imagination: the Eclipse Group is Duane Clarridge’s “private CIA,” which up until recently had a $6 million DoD contract — withdrawn after Eclipse embarked on a campaign to prove Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s drug addiction. After the cut-off of Pentagon funds, Clarridge — one of the Iran-Contra defendants, indicted and later pardoned — found undisclosed “private donors” to run his gang of international cowboys.

Read full article.

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James A. Lyons: Admiral, Former PACFLT, Calls for Obama to “Come Clean” on Benghazi

Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Admiral James Lyons, USN (Ret.)

Retired Pacific Fleet commander calls for Obama to “come clean” on Benghazi

John Hayward

Human Events, 30 October 2012

Retired Admiral James A. Lyons, former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, published a tough editorial in the Washington Times on Sunday, calling for President Obama to “come clean on what happened in Benghazi.”  Lyons describes the situation in stunned disbelief:

There is an urgent need for full disclosure of what has become the “Benghazi Betrayal and Cover-up.” The Obama national security team, including CIA, DNI and the Pentagon, apparently watched and listened to the assault on the U.S. consulate and cries for help but did nothing. If someone had described a fictional situation with a similar scenario and described our leadership ignoring the pleas for help, I would have said it was not realistic—not in my America – but I would have been proven wrong.

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Eagle: So What’s Wrong with the USA?

Communities of Practice, Corruption, Ineptitude, Policies
300 Million Talons…

So What’s Wrong With The States?

Martin Varsavsky

November 04, 2012

The USA is a great nation for entrepreneurship and innovation, it has the best science in the world, the most creativity in the arts, it is the number one economy in the world, it has an energy unrivaled by other nations and we have chosen to move to this great nation with our family.  So everything that follows must be seen as friendly criticism from a person who loves this country.

Now most of my friends in the USA agree on what is great about this nation. But when I speak to some American friends they seem to be unaware of the shortcomings of the USA compared to others, and this is what I would like to focus on. Here are some quick examples.

The USA ranks 38th in life expectancy which is shocking considering that it has the best medical science in the world.  And this generation is the first one that will live less than the previous generation. The average American is expected to live two years less than, say, the average Spaniard. This is partly because the USA has a medical system that leaves 50 million people uninsured and many others under-insured or worried about losing their insurance (my wife Nina, for example, can’t get medical insurance to have our next baby because pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition and we moved to USA when she was already pregnant).  It is also partly because the USA is the nation with the highest percentage of its population obese, over 30%.  The WHO studied overall level of health and concluded that Americans rank 72 in the world. Family structure is also weak as the USA has the highest divorce rates in the world. Moreover inequality is on the rise: as this Wikipedia article argues, the top earning 1 percent of households gained about 275% over a period between 1979 and 2007, compared to a gain of just under 40% for the 60 percent in the middle of America's income distribution.

Continue reading “Eagle: So What's Wrong with the USA?”

Graphic: Benghazi Fiasco Master Post with Links to All Posts, Map of DoD Assets Ordered to “Stand Down,” + RECAP Updated 11 May 13

Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
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DefDog: State Email to White House – Seven Hours Elapsed Time From Advisory to Death of Two in Benghazi

Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military

So far what we have is a CIA base not a consulate; State blase about security because it was a CIA base; Libyan local security evaporated; attack motivation still up in the air — pre-arranged kidnapping for political milking far-fetched; Stanley Inc. video clearly incidental; Russian intervention to stop CIA's less than covert arms deliveries to Syria makes more sense. Seven hours — and instead of leveraging the multitude of assets within 1-2 hours of the site, the Secretary of Defense focused on relieving two flag officers. My gut says Romney wins big and Obama goes home. If Obama wins, he will need a new Secretary of Defense, not just a new Secretary of State.

CIA Timeline Confirms: Woods and Doherty Killed in Benghazi 7Hrs After WH Told of Attack; Commercial Airliner Can Fly From London to Libya and Back in That Time

By Terence P. Jeffrey

November 4, 2012

Read full article with links.

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See Also:

Phi Beta Iota / Benghazi

Phi Beta Iota / Khost Kathy