Mike Flynn: I Am Not Done

Advanced Cyber/IO, Ethics, Government
Michael Flynn

Letter From Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, ‘I Am Not Done’

as published with commentary by Sara Carter

Phi Beta Iota: If President Donald Trump is ready to move toward evidence-based policy with true cost economics fully factored, Mike Flynn should go to CIA, Bill Binney to NSA, Robert Steele to OSA, consolidate the secret pieces that survive at CIA, and OSA creates Web 3.0 / truth channel with two-way ecology connecting all citizens to all information all the time.

Stephen E. Arnold: AI Enables Cyber Attacks

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

AI Enables Cyber Attacks

Is it not wonderful that technology has advanced so much that we are closer to AI led cyberattacks? It is true that bad actor hackers already rely on AI to augment their nasty actions, but their AI is not on par with human intelligence yet. Verdict warns that AI powered cyberattacks will be on the rise in the future: “Leveling Up: How Offensive AI Will Augment Cyberattacks.”

A 2020 Forrester report stated that 88% of security leaders believe AI will be used in cyberattacks and over half thought an attack could occur sometime in the next twelve months.

Zero Hedge: NSA’s Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent, & Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed

Advanced Cyber/IO

NSA's Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent, & Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed

Authored by Jake Anderson via TheMindUnleashed.com,

Most people know by now about the surveillance abuses perpetrated by the NSA earlier this century, but a new book about Edward Snowden suggests that the metadata collection programs introduced to us through previous whistleblowers and disclosures are part of a “live, ever-updating social graph of the US” that is ongoing and far vaster than we previously imagined.

Read full article.

Robert Steele: GetGee as Anti-Thesis to #GoogleGestapo

Advanced Cyber/IO

As mentioned by Heather Marsh.

What is G?

G is a free and open data commons. It uses a universal database and trust network to return control of our data to the users who created it while still allowing for mass collaboration. It will allow people to easily change the applications they use to access their data and choose only the functionality they want in an application. It will allow anyone to collaborate without using the same applications. The structure is an ecosystem, anything can be replaced without destroying the whole.

Video Below the Fold

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Kerry Cassidy: Reflections on AI, 5G, Virus, & More . . .

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Kerry Cassidy


The exercise in being human is to learn how to create what we want as opposed to what we don’t want.

In a sense we simply reverse the spin.

Remember to connect with each other and create life giving moments and share love.  The emphasis on human “distancing” and seeing other humans as “the enemy” is aimed at attacking the NATURAL FIELD OF HUMAN RESONANCE which automatically heals us.

Read full article.

Ronald N. Kostoff, PhD 5G Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation – The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in History — Including Coronavirus Aspect

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency


Ronald N. Kostoff, Ph.D.
Research Affiliate, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology


Unethical Research; Electromagnetic Fields; Wireless Radiation; Radiofrequency Radiation; RF; Non-Ionizing Radiation; Mobile Networking Technology; 5G; Adverse Health Effects

SHORT URL THIS POST: https://tinyurl.com/5G-Coffin

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