NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update

Government, IO Deeds of War, Media

Syria: The Syrian army recaptured three neighborhoods in the center of Aleppo while clashes continued in other parts of the city, residents told the press on 23 August.

An interview in The Independent is worth reading for a Syrian government perspective. Robert Fisk reported on an interview with a captured member of the Free Syrian Army, after a successful Syrian Army re-capture of a neighborhood in Aleppo. The youth told his captors and Fisk that he did not realize how beautiful “Palestine” was. This young man and his fellow fighters were not Syrian and though they were fighting in Palestine against the Israelis.

Comment: Fisk was in Aleppo to take the interview. He was escorted by an English-speaking Syrian Army major. His description of what he saw is neutral. Reports about the disorientation of foreign fighters have surfaced previously in Syria, as they did in Iraq during the height of the civil war. Nothing is quite as it is reported.

Politics. Former Syrian National Council member Randa Kassis said President Bashar al-Asad will only be toppled when he loses the support of the minority Alawites. Kassis, a critic of the SNC who maintains the group is ignoring the increasing influence of Islamist extremists, said, “Without the defection of the Alawites, we won't be able to do anything and we will go straight into civil war.

Comment: NightWatch agrees with Kassis' judgment, with one caution. The resignation of Asad appears increasingly likely, but does not signify the end of the Alawite regime. Asad appears weary of his duties, especially since his brother was maimed by a bombing in Damascus. He never had much enthusiasm for the presidency, but has done his duty to his sect and tribe.

He is the public face of the Alawite political and military elite and its Sunni financiers and supporters. Nevertheless, he is expendable.

Syria-Iraq: Reports that a Syrian jet penetrated Iraqi airspace are untrue, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's media adviser said on 23 August.

Comment: Fixed wing combat aircraft always violate national borders when attacking targets near the border. It is a function of the physics of jet-powered flight. The story behind the story is that Iraq did not protest or respond in any obvious fashion, which implies tacit consent. That explains the denial. There is no need to explain an event that officially did not happen.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update”

Mini-Me: Assassination Nation – How Others See the USA….

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military
Who? Mini-Me?

Assassination Nation

Fifty Years of US Targeted ‘Kill Lists’: From the Phoenix Program to Predator Drones


 A broad-gauged program of targeted assassination has now displaced counterinsurgency as the prevailing expression of the American way of war.”

–Andrew Bacevich [1]

Counterpunch, 19 July 2012

Click on Image to Enlarge


In fact, US assassination and targeted killing, with presidential approval, has been going on covertly for at least half a century. Ironically, all this drone killing now offers us a  new opportunity: to pry open the Pandora’s box hiding long-held secrets of covert US assassination and targeted killing, and to expose them to the light of day. What we would find is that the only things new in the latest, more publicized revelations about kill lists and assassinations are the use of drones, the president’s hands-on approach in vetting targets, and the global scope of the drone killing.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Assassination Nation – How Others See the USA….”

Breaking News: Israel False Flag Attacks (Bulgaria & Madame Clinton Done, Olympics False Flag Planned)

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military
Gordon Duff

Breaking/Confirmed: Sec Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel (Updated)

Al-Alam and Reuters Report Hillary Clinton Convoy Attack in Israel

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Veterans Today, 19 July 2012

Israeli radio and Reuters broke the story then went mysteriously silent, an assassination attempt inside Israel, on Secretary of State Clinton. 

Soon afterward, Iran’s national network, al Alam went public with a translated version which is being boycotted by news services.

Details on the unsuccessful murder attempt on America’s top diplomat below but first some background.

Possibly responsible for the assassination attempt on Clinton is this tale of deceit by Rep. Michelle Bachmann as outlined by CNN’s Andersen Cooper:

We see this as part of a pattern of escalation by Israel, carefully orchestrated terrorism which may well culminate in an attack on the London Olympics as has been predicted by many.  Nothing less could bring about the result Netanyahu desires, a massive US and NATO air attack on Iran, and note this carefully, not an attack on Syria.

The video below describes how Israeli contractors are sabotaging London Olympic security.  Highly credible source:

Continue reading “Breaking News: Israel False Flag Attacks (Bulgaria & Madame Clinton Done, Olympics False Flag Planned)”

John Steiner: 9 July Deadline US Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more

IO Deeds of War, Military
John Steiner

Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more

Phi Beta Iota:  This is most important as a documented form of “true cost” that is now emergent in the public understanding.  From depleted uranium to HAARP to forced population reduction to high-frequency sound in the ocean, “true costs” make the US military vastly more toxic and more expensive than their current 50% “tax” on the US entire economy and their hidden taxes and depredation on the rest of the world.  Petition signature recommended.

From: “ Political Action” <>

Hi MoveOn member,

Shocking fact: The U.S. Navy estimates that it will kill 1,800 whales and deafen 15,900 more over the next five years through the use of
high-frequency underwater sound for testing.

Amazing story: When I found out that Navy was accepting public comments on this program through July 10, I started a petition on right away. And in just a few days, over 200,000 people signed.

What's next? You can sign the petition too, before the July 10 deadline, to keep our impact growing. The petition says:

Stop the killing of 1,800 whales and dolphins and the deafening of 15,900 more by ceasing the operation of the Navy's underwater sound system in the Hawaiian Islands, the California and Atlantic Coasts, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Click here to add your name to the petition, and then pass it along to your

Thanks for adding your voice.


P.S. My original email with more details is below:

Continue reading “John Steiner: 9 July Deadline US Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more”

Dolphin: Fukushima Disaster Was Man-Made Before and After — Collusion and Corruption Across Government and Industry and Media…

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Analysis, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Media

Fukushima Disaster Was Man-Made, Investigation Finds

The Fukushima nuclear disaster was the result of “man-made” failures before and after last year’s earthquake, according to a report from an independent parliamentary investigation.

The breakdowns involved regulators working with the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. to avoid implementing safety measures as well as a government lacking commitment to protect the public, the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission said in the report.

The March 11 accident, which set off a wave of reactor safety investigations around the world, “cannot be regarded as a natural disaster,” the commission’s chairman, Tokyo University professor emeritus Kiyoshi Kurokawa, wrote in the report released yesterday in Tokyo. It “could and should have been foreseen and prevented. And its effects could have been mitigated by a more effective human response.”

The report dealt the harshest critique yet to Tokyo Electric (9501) and the government. The findings couldn’t rule out the possibility that the magnitude-9 earthquake damaged the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 1 reactor and safety equipment. This is a departure from other reports that concluded the reactors withstood the earthquake, only to be disabled when the ensuing tsunami slammed into the plant.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Dolphin: Fukushima Disaster Was Man-Made Before and After — Collusion and Corruption Across Government and Industry and Media…”

David Swanson: NATO, Sardinia, Contamination, & The Truth

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military
David Swanson


Demands of the people

·       Transparency and truth – reveal what chemicals and metals have been used.
·       Close all of the bases and radar facilities – completely de-militarize the island.
·       Clean and decontaminate the bases and land, aquifers and sea around them.
·       Provide health care to all people affected by military activity on the island
·       Provide financial assistance and clean land and sea to farmers and fishers

Sardinia: Militarization, Contamination and Cancer in Paradise

By Helen Jaccard,

Need to test some new weapons?  Bomb paradise!
The sound of bombs, missiles, and other explosions; massive attacks from the sea onto the beach; an epidemic of cancers and birth defects; soil, air, food and water contaminated with heavy metals, jet fuel and other poisons; and national and company secrets that prevent the residents from learning the truth:  Is this a modern war zone?  No – Sardinia is the victim of weapons manufacturers, polluting military activities and a political system that cares about power and money over the health of people and the environment.

Continue reading “David Swanson: NATO, Sardinia, Contamination, & The Truth”