Chuck Spinney: ACLU Video Spoof of NSA as Santa Rocks the Internet — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up (Someone Else Does)

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Watch and weep

ACLU Action

Dear Alison,

When you think about it, Santa Claus and the NSA have a lot in common—both can tell when you’ve been sleeping and know when you’re awake…

So our civil liberties elves here at the ACLU decided to make an NSA version of that classic holiday tune, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” taking a cue from Santa’s own secret surveillance program. And as one of the more than 35,000 supporters who signed our petition to Congress to rein in the NSA, we want you to have the first peek at the hysterical new music video!

This new video is the perfect way to show your friends that while Santa’s spying operation may be magical, the NSA’s is very real—and why we should all care.

Check out the hilarious music video for “The NSA is Coming to Town” before anyone else, and be the first one to share it with your friends.

Click here to watch and share
The NSA has used every excuse from here to the North Pole to justify their unlawful spying operations, but we’re not buying it. And after all their deception, we’re not trusting them with a program so open to abuse of power.

There’s already good legislation pending in the House and Senate—we just need to get as many people as possible to stand with us and push Congress to pass it now.

Enjoy the video, and most importantly, make sure you share it with your friends and family so they can join in the fun and stand with us to make unlawful NSA surveillance a thing of the past (just like those old holiday jingles).

Thank you for your all your support this year,
Anthony for the ACLU Action team

Kevin Barrett: Obama Agrees to Bomb Iran – Dropping Bibi & Bachmann, Naked, from a B-52

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Iran, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, Offbeat Fun
Kevin Barrett
Kevin Barrett

Obama surrenders to Bibi & Bachmann, will bomb Iran

President Obama has announced that due to the interminable whining, nagging, and complaining from Israeli PM Netanyahu and US Congress clown Michele Bachmann, he has decided to go ahead and bomb Iran with them – despite the P5+1 nuclear agreement.

“Michele Bachmann – I hesitate to use the word ‘Congresswoman’ out of respect for that once-great legislative body – insists that Iran absolutely must be bombed, agreement or no agreement,” Obama said Friday. “Her commander-in-chief, the Israeli Prime Minister, agrees. So just to shut them up, I have decided to launch a really ugly-looking bat-winged Northrop-Grumman B-2 to drop a truly vicious load on the Iranian nuclear facilities at Arak. And I have decided to honor dear Michele and my good friend Bibi by making them an integral part of the mission.”

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Obama has ordered the Strategic Air Command to prepare a place for Netanyahu and Bachmann in the B-2′s bomb bay atop a moth-eaten mattress beside an ice bucket of cheap champagne. The pair will ride in comfort from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri until the aircraft is approaching the Iranian nuclear facility at Arak. As “preparation to launch” orders are issued, the bomb bay doors will open and Netanyahu and Bachmann will be dangled by their heels, stark naked, outside the aircraft. At “launch,” the pair will be released to plummet head first toward strategic targets at the Iranian nuclear site.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

“Nobody since Slim Whitman – I mean, Slim Pickens – has had the privilege of serving as a human bomb on such an important mission,” Obama said. “Bibi and Michele will go down in history beside Bonnie and Clyde, Caril Ann Fugate and Charles Starkweather, and other heroic, romantic couples who have sacrificed themselves for their homicidal beliefs. I wish them the best of luck in the afterlife – they’re going to need it.”

After Obama’s surprise announcement, the P5+1 negotiators met in an emergency session to approve Obama’s plan and nominate other Zionists to be dropped out of planes above Iranian nuclear sites.