Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 16

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
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Part 16
This episode reveals the truth about chemtrails and electronic smog. Chemtrails, once dismissed as a “conspiracy theory”, have now been acknowledged by our government as a geoengineering project to reverse global warming. A toxic stew of heavy metals has been spewed into the atmosphere for decades to reflect the sun away from the earth, which we are supposed to believe is in our best interest. The reality is that chemtrails have poisoned our soil, air and water. They have diminished our vitamin D levels, caused headaches and burning eyes and contributed to Altzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Continue reading “Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 16”

Stephen Arnold: Palantir Pushes Beyond What Any Other System Can Do It Seems

IO Impotency

Palantir Pushes Beyond What Any Other System Can Do It Seems

I believe everything I read online. Don’t you. I spotted this interesting article: “Palantir: Revolutionizing Big Data Analytics.” The write up shows a Covid dashboard and focuses on what’s called “data integration.”

Putting information in an index or series of indexes so a user or software can run a query across that which has been placed in said indexes is sometimes called “federation”. Without entering a rabbit hole, let’s accept the “data integration” idea and ignore the buzzwords like “cross function collaborations.”

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Anthony Judge: COVID-19 Infection via the Eyes and Mask Protection Misinformation

07 Other Atrocities

COVID-19 Infection via the Eyes and Mask Protection Misinformation

Irresponsible failure of health authorities regarding need for protective goggles?

References to COVID-19 infection via the eyes
Comparison with research dismissal of HIV infection via mosquitoes
Masks without Goggles or Masks with Goggles?
Indication of range of full-face pandemic masks
Convergence on face-covering norms in Muslim-majority countries?

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Martin Armstrong: Gates will Lose – The Economy is Collapsing Anyway

Corruption, Government

Gates will Lose – The Economy is Collapsing Anyway

Just as they tried to assassinate Hitler, I would expect assassination attempts on Gates, Soros, and Schwab. They have destroyed a lot of lives and caused many suicides. There are people who will eventually respond in a violent way – that is what history warns. People who try to alter the way everyone else lives to reshape it the way they think they should live are called tyrants. History is very clear what happens to tyrants.

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Anthony Judge: Interrelating Multiple Ways of Looking at a Crisis

Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge

Interrelating Multiple Ways of Looking at a Crisis

Beyond the pandemic discipline of the one right way


Ways of looking — and ways of thinking?
Systematic approaches to contrasting ways of thinking
Clues from personality typing to ways of thinking in a crisis?
Possibility of interrelating ways of looking at a crisis
Distinguishing ways of looking at features of the pandemic response
Ways of looking distinguished in terms of “compass” orientation
Ways of looking in terms of angles and orientations
Humour as a way of evoking distinctive perspectives
Effective strategic commitment to oversimplification and unsubtlety

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Matthew Ehret: Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage?

Cultural Intelligence

Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage?

In these days of profound uncertainty, it is comforting knowing that certain fundamental truths still exist and serve as guiding lights through the dark waters.

Among the highest of those fundamental truths are those enunciated in 1967 by Reverend Martin Luther King who ruminated over the dangers of imperialism and nuclear war by stating “we still have a choice today: nonviolent co-existence or violent co-annihilation”.

When leaping ahead over five decades past the April 4, 1968 assassination of King to our present time, that truth stands as valid today as ever.

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