Dolphin: Haiti Moves Up in African Union — World Routing Around the USA? + RECAP

08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Government

Haiti To Become Full Associate Member Of African Union

Osun Defender (Nigeria), 8 December 2012

The black race is gradually coming together. Where other world groupings are primarily motivated by strategic, security, political and economic interests, Africans wherever they are can count also on their common history of being black.

Haiti currently has the status of Member Observer with the African Union and submitted to that organization, a formal request for the status of full Associate Member of the Union of Heads of State and Government of Africa, a status that will be effective starting from January 2013.

In January 2011, the Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi who was killed by NATO in October of the same year asked the following question to delegates who were attending an international conference for the African Diaspora from around the world that he had convened in Tripoli.

“Why shouldn’t people of black descent leaving outside the African mother continent be allowed to have a referendum to decide if they wanted to be part of Africa or not.”

As we know there are many countries out of Africa, particularly in the Caribbean’s Islands, where black people constitute the majority. Even Brazil itself is getting closer to such category.

The admission of Haiti to the African Union is a significant milestone of bringing together the black family of Africans as a people.

May this reunion of Haiti with the mother continent be a strong motivation for other nations with black majorities to see in such strong relationship a source for future prosperity of respective populations either in Africa or concerned countries?

People from the South – where most Blacks are – , have in the past strongly counted on their cooperation with the North for their development. Though the latter is still dominant, there are clear signs that the tides are shifting. The more the former will find in themselves the resources to uplift their populations the better.


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SchwartzReport: Local and Regional Restructuring of the American Continent

07 Venezuela, 08 Wild Cards, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Here is an excellent analysis of an important aspect of the Great Schism Trend: the move to localism, and regionalism.

This “Chapter Fourteen” is part eighteen of Truthout's continuing series of excerpts from Gar Alperovitz's “America beyond Capitalism.”


Click on Image to Enlarge

The Regional Restructuring of the American Continent

By Gar Alperovitz, Democracy Collaborative Press | Serialized Book, Thursday, 06 December 2012 10:44

Americans committed to a renewal of democracy are likely to discover this can only be meaningfully achieved in units of scale smaller than a continent, but also of sufficient size to be capable of substantial semiautonomous functioning: the region.

The Pluralist Commonwealth model attempts to deal seriously with long-standing arguments that the sheer continental size of the United States and its very large population are ultimately inimical to a robust system-wide vision of democratic practice. Community-oriented strategies appear to be within the range of realistic political possibility in coming years. What of the larger and seemingly utopian idea that much more far-reaching – indeed, radical – decentralization is both necessary and possible?

Five major considerations suggest that, contrary to conventional assumption, the logic of regional restructuring is likely to become of increasing importance as the twenty-first century develops. These include trends in Supreme Court and congressional decision making; an explosion of state-based initiatives; the impact of global political-economic forces on the current federal system; very large-order projected changes in the economy and population; and new trajectories of expanding ethnic political power concentrated in key regions experiencing economic distress.

Read full article.

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Local and Regional Restructuring of the American Continent”

NIGHTWATCH: Syria, Bio-Chem, & US Intelligence

08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency

Syria: A senior U.S. official told Fox News that the Syrians loaded bombs with components of sarin gas. They have 60 days to use these bombs until the chemical mixture expires and has to be destroyed, according to the report.

According to NBC News, bombs filled with a sarin components have not yet been loaded onto planes, but that the Syrian military is prepared to use these chemical weapons against civilians pending orders from President Bashar Assad.

Comment: Yesterday, 4 December, a senior US Defense official stated there was no evidence that the chemicals used to create sarin gas had been mixed. A day later, the chemicals are reportedly mixed.

No intelligence service has the ability to make such a determination except from testimony from human sources — from direct observation by the source or detected from radio intercepts. Both collection systems are highly vulnerable to deception and manipulation. In other words, the message from Syria could be intended to persuade the West and others to reduce their  support to the opposition.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Syria, Bio-Chem, & US Intelligence”

Chuck Spinney: Palestinian Endgame & Obama’s Quagmire

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney

The author of this important opinion piece is a highly respected observer of politics in the Middle East with long standing connection in Israel as well as the Arab world.

Obama is Courting Danger in the Middle East

by Patrick Seale

Agence Global, 04 Dec 2012

U.S. President Barack Obama is behaving in the Middle East as if unaware of the dangers his policies are provoking. It is often said that big ships cannot easily or swiftly change course, but the U.S. ship of state is steaming headlong towards an iceberg. The collision could make 9/11 seem like a traffic accident. To protect America, its interests and its allies will require bold corrective measures — and the earlier in his second term the better.

Read full article.

The views of another seasoned observer.

What Exactly Would Israel Like to Do With Its Palestinian Population?

By William Pfaff, Truthdig, 4 December 2012

What exactly is it that Israel intends to do with the Palestinians now in the territories that it has just opened for home construction for Jewish settlers, thereby extending its policy of occupying and annexing what are legally Palestinian lands?

Read full article.

NIGHTWATCH: Mali, Islamic Fundamentalism is NOT Al Qaeda, Slow Learners

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Officers Call

Mali-Burkina Faso: Government officials from Mali held the first direct talks with delegates from the Tuareg and Islamist rebel groups that seized the north of the country after a coup earlier this year. The talks occurred in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The rebels pledged to respect national unity and to reject all forms of extremism.

Comment: The rebels appear to be trying to avert or at least delay the planned West African military operation to recover the north. Their profession of support for national unity and rejection of extremism requires clarification because the pro-al Qaida group has instituted the strictest form of Islamic law in Timbuktu and other northern cities, destroyed ancient shrines and ignored direction from the government in Bamako.


Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Mali, Islamic Fundamentalism is NOT Al Qaeda, Slow Learners”

Eagle: UK France May Pull Ambassadors from Israel Over Illegal Settlement Expansion — What Is USA Doing? NOTHING!

02 Diplomacy, 08 Wild Cards
300 Million Talons…

Not being reported in US media…

UK, France may pull out envoys from Israel over settlement construction – reports

France and Britain are reportedly considering moves against Israel over Tel Aviv’s decision to expand settlement construction in occupied territories, diplomats told an Israeli newspaper. This may include recalling ambassadors for the first time.

This comes as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the construction of thousands of new homes in Jewish settlements in the area known as E1, between Ma’aleh Adumim and Jerusalem – a step widely seen as retaliation for recognition of Palestine as non-member state by the United Nations.

This time it won’t just be a condemnation, there will be real action taken against Israel,” a senior European diplomat told Haaretz daily.

The three European diplomats who spoke to the paper indicated that London and Paris were coordinating their moves against Israel, and have discussed the extraordinary step of recalling their ambassadors for consultations. The action, whatever it may be, could be implemented in the next few days.

London is furious about the E1 decision,” one of the diplomats said.


UN implicitly recognizes Palestinian statehood

The UN General Assembly has voted to upgrade Palestinians’ diplomatic status to a “non-member observer state,” thus implicitly recognizing a Palestinian state. This comes despite strong opposition from the US and Israel.

Phi Beta Iota:  We missed the statehood aspect the first time Eagle posted on this.

See Also:

Eagle: Israel Withholds Revenue Due to Palestine — So Why Is USA Not Withholding the Billions It Gives to Israel at Taxpayer Expense?

Eagle: Israel Withholds Revenue Due to Palestine — So Why Is USA Not Withholding the Billions It Gives to Israel at Taxpayer Expense?

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards
300 Million Talons…

Israel withholds $120mn in Palestinian tax funds as revenge for UN vote

Israel has canceled the transfer of US$120 million collected in taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority in response to Palestine’s UN-bid, which saw it granted non-member observer status, thus implicitly recognizing the state.

The halted money, collected in taxes for the month of November, was scheduled to be passed on to the Palestinian Authority (PA), which constitutes a large percentage of the Palestinian budget, including paying the salaries of PA officials, Israeli media reported.

Now, instead, the money will be used to pay for the PA's debt to Israel's Electric Company.

The decision was made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz and announced during a weekly government cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

“This is a Palestinian provocation and an attempt to advance their state without recognizing Israel,” Steinitz stated.

Israel’s change of mind comes as a response to UN’s decision last week. The Palestinian bid was upheld with 138 votes in favor, nine against and 41 abstentions.

The new status allows the PA access to numerous UN agencies, and to the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

Also, following the status upgrade, Israel announced it will be building 3,000 new settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  It is time for all grants to Israel from the US Treasury to be subject to recurring national ballot initiatives, with line item distinction.