CounterPunch: War Between US and China

02 China, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military

counterpunch good The Skirmish in the Spratlys: Beating Uncle Sam at His Own Game



What happens next, should be fairly obvious to anyone who has followed US meddling in recent years. The US is now at war with China, which means that it will use all of its resources and capabilities, except it’s military assets, to defeat the enemy. The United States will not militarily engage an enemy that can fight back or inflict pain on the US. That’s the cardinal rule of US military policy. While that precludes a nuclear conflagration, it does not exclude a hyperbolic propaganda campaign demonizing China and its leaders in the media (Sadly, the comparisons to Hitler and the Kaiser have already started), asymmetrical attacks on Chinese markets and currency, excruciating economic sanctions, US-NGO funding for Chinese dissidents, foreign agents and fifth columnists, intrusions into China’s territorial waters and airspace, strategic denial of critical energy supplies, (80 percent of China’s oil supplies are delivered via the Malacca Strait to the South China Sea) and, finally, covert support for “moderate” jihadis who are committed to toppling the Chinese government and replacing it with an Islamic Caliphate. All of these means and proxies will be employed to defeat Beijing, to derail its ambitious Silk Roads strategy, to curtail its explosive growth, and to sabotage its plan to be the preeminent power in Asia.

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Evan Ellis: China Arms Sales Grow in South America

02 China, 08 Wild Cards, Commerce, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Evan Ellis
Evan Ellis

Should U.S. be worried about Chinese arms sales in the region?

To some degree, Chinese weapons are capturing market share from Russian systems in states that have traditionally been anti-U.S. as well as in other parts of the region. Indeed, the electronics in some Chinese systems and the quality of Chinese support in maintenance and spare parts is now considered better than that of comparable Russian systems.

Such sales also multiply opportunities for China to strengthen its military-to-military relationships with the region through the training of Latin American personnel on the Chinese systems, as well as creating a possible demand for an in-region People’s Liberation Army (PLA) military training and maintenance presence in the future…

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Berto Jongman: Covert War Between US and Russia? West Sidelined by Sino-Russian Entente & Expulsion from Southern Hemisphere?

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being read, together, in Europe.

Putin Orders Millions Of Troops To High Alert After US Hypercraft “Attack”

From Greater Europe to Greater Asia? The Sino-Russian Entente

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CounterPunch: 99% Screwed Front and Back

02 China, Commerce, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Officers Call

counterpunch goodDown the Plughole
40 Years of Economic Policy in One Chart

Once wages detached from productivity, the rich progressively got richer. They used their wealth to reduce taxes on capital, role back critical regulations, break up the unions, install their own lapdog politicians, push through trade agreements that pitted US workers against low-paid labor in the developing world, and induce their shady Central Bank buddies to keep interest rates locked below the rate of inflation so they could cream hefty profits off gigantic asset bubbles.

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