Paper Tiger: China is Bluffing on Tariffs, Time to Invite Others to Bid UPDATE 1 Graphics Added

02 China, 03 Economy, 03 India, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Alert Reader based in China and heavily invested in Chinese manufacturing brokerage reports that Trump tariffs are exactly what has been needed to bring the Chinese to the table so as to correct the imbalance that may have been fair 30 years ago but is grossly unfair to US companies and workers now.

He reports that over 100 factories have closed overnight as US companies have started cancelling orders that would not arrive in time to miss the new 10% tariffs that start 24 September, and that the Chinese government is under massive pressure to work with Trump to avoid triggering the 25% tariff rate that would be implemented on 1 January 2019 if talks do not progress.

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Stephen E. Arnold: You Are Your Phone — There Will Be No Anonymnity

02 China, Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency, IO Privacy, IO Sense-Making
Stephen E. Arnold

Google: Making Cross Correlation Factually Fluffy General Tso Dish?

I read “Google China Prototypes Links Searches to Phone Number”. This is one of those write ups which offers some possibly accurate information attributed to anonymous sources or “sources familiar with the project.”

Nifty. Nothing like anonymity.

But for the moment, let’s assume that queries from mobile devices are explicitly linked to the a specific mobile device. What’s the big deal?

According to the write up:

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Stephen E. Arnold: China Charts a Course in Cyber Space

02 China, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commercial Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold

China Charts a Course in Cyber Space

I am not much a political thinker. But even with the minimal knowledge I possess about world affairs, it seems to me that China has made its cyber technology objective clear. Of course, I am assuming that the information in “When China Rules the Web” is accurate. You will have to judge for yourself.

The write up states:

Read full post.

Benjamin Fulford: $500 Million Dollar Bonds in Play

01 Poverty, 02 China, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Behind the scenes there is a great deal happening. Power is shifting from banks back to elders and indigenous land stewards, from west to east, from corrupt legislators to populist movements.

A member of the Qing royal dynasty has $125 billion worth of US bonds they want to cash in order to finance a future planning agency and public development projects for the 99% world-wide. A photo of one of the bonds, together with accompanying microfilm and ID coins is shown below.
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