Mini-Me: Dr. Steve Pieczenik on War in Middle East from 25 September 2012 – Jim Fetzer Reports Plus Interview & Links

02 Diplomacy, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Who? Mini-Me?


Steve Pieczenik: World War III starts 25 September 2012

by Jim Fetzer

Veterans Today, 21 September 2012

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in three administrations, who earned his Ph.D. at MIT, has revealed that he has been told by a high-ranking general–whom I believe to have been Gen. Richard Myers–that 9/11 was a “false flag” attack, which was done by the government in order to arouse the American people to support wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. On Alex Jones, he has now asserted that Israel is going to attack Iran on Yom Kippur, which begins on Tuesday, 25 September 2011 (sic). He insists that Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu are at odds over this, where Obama and the Pentagon are opposed to any such attack. I think Pieczenik is very honest and has run risks by revealing that he was told it had been a “false flag” operation to induce the public to support wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I wish that I could believe that the US “won’t be drawn into another unpopular war”. Given the coming November presidential elections, however, where a new war in the Middle East would be overwhelmingly unpopular with the American public, Obama needs plausible deniability, which means that it must appear to the public as though this engagement was initiated by Iran, where the most likely scenario has an Israeli sub torpedo the USS Enterprise, our first nuclear-powered carrier, and blame it on Iran. This would not be the first example of monumental hypocisy by Obama.

Read full article and direct interview.

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Mini-Me: Breaking — Israel Behind Libyan and Egyptian Mobs & Death of US Ambassador, 2 Marines, and 1 Other? CIA Asset Terry Jones, Romney Funders?

02 Diplomacy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military
Who? Mini-Me?


Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag”

Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Veterans Today, 13 September 2012


Investigations by me, published yesterday on Press TV’s website, cited “Reverand” and “Doctor” Terry Jones as the source of the videos cited for instigating violence across the Middle East. 

Our investigation into Jones past showed him to be a trained CIA asset with direct ties to the Mossad. He served in Germany for years as an organizer for the CIA under the highly secret “Gladio” program until expelled by the German government.  You can be a CIA agent, even a terrorist bomber but in Germany, if you buy a mail order PhD, it is a crime.  “Dr.” Terry Jones would have been better off had he called himself “Agent” Terry Jones.

VT offers its heartfelt condolences to the family of Ambassador Stevens and the families of the other Americans lost in Libya.

Here is an MSNBC clip covering their “day late” discovery of Jones at the heart of what is a conspiracy, not only to cause unrest but as a cover for assassinations of US diplomats by highly trained special operations teams.

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Chuck Spinney: Egypt Emergent, Syria Sidelined, Palestian Justice Ready or Not….

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, IO Deeds of Peace
Chuck Spinney

Only a few weeks ago, most western observers had written off Mohamed Morsi, the new President of Egypt and a moderate member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a stooge who would dance to the tune of the military rulers of the Egyptian deep state.  That view is rapidly changing.  Morsi quickly consolidated power by forcing “deep-state” generals to retire (with dignity) and replacing them military leaders of a more reformist nature and less likely to lapdogs of the US and Israel.  Thus Morsi seems to have out maneuvered the deep state apparat in a similar but even quicker way than Prime Minister Recep Erdogan did in Turkey.  Also, like Erdogan in Turkey, he is flexing his nation’s regional diplomatic muscle in independent and sometimes surprising ways.  Big things may be happening in Egypt and the Middle East, especially in the area of foreign policy, as only a few writers have noted (see for example, Esam Al-Almin, Patrick Seale, editorialin Al-Arahm).  Attached is another analysis in this vein: Immanuel Wallerstein, describes why he thinks Morsi might be on the cutting edge of profound changes shaping the Middle East.  If Wallerstein is correct in his sense that the focus of regional geopolitics is about to shift back to the Palestinian Question, the US is will be caught flatfooted again and may be again on the wrong side of history, while Israel’s isolation is likely to increase.

Chuck Spinney
Gaeta, Italia

From Syria to Palestine: A Shift in Focus?

Immanuel Wallerstein

Agence Global, 01 Sep 2012

If we analyze the geopolitics of the Middle East, what should be the principal focus? There is little agreement on an answer, and yet it is the key question.

The Israeli government has been sedulously and constantly trying to make the focus be Iran. This has been considered by most observers as an effort to divert attention from Israel's unwillingness to pursue serious negotiations with the Palestinians.

In any case, this Israeli effort has failed, spectacularly. Netanyahu has been unable to get the U.S. government to commit to supporting an Israeli raid on Iran. And Iran's ability to gather most of the non-Western world — including Pakistan, India, China, Palestine, and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon — to the meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran underlines the political impossibility of the Israeli wish to concentrate attention on Iran.

For the past year, the center of attention has become Syria, not Iran, even if there is a link between the two. It has been primarily Saudi Arabia and Qatar that have struggled, with considerable success, to make Syria the focus of attention. Some observers feel this has been an effort to divert attention from Saudi Arabia's internal problems and anti-Shi'a oppression in the Gulf states, especially Bahrain.

This Syria-focus however is about to come to an end, for two reasons.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Egypt Emergent, Syria Sidelined, Palestian Justice Ready or Not….”

NIGHTWATCH: Russia Expands, Syria Festers, Syrian Kurds Evolve, Turkey Freaks Out — USA Still Leads Amateur Theater While Israel Plays with Fire

02 Diplomacy, 10 Security, 11 Society

Russia: For the record. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Chirkov said today that Moscow is involved in talks toward establishing naval bases in Cuba, Vietnam and the Seychelles.

Comment: This is the first public notice of any plan to build more bases.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Russia Expands, Syria Festers, Syrian Kurds Evolve, Turkey Freaks Out — USA Still Leads Amateur Theater While Israel Plays with Fire”

Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour at White House and Department of State

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Idiocy
Chuck Spinney
This classic case of blowback ought to give pause to those advocating intervention/regime change in the Syrian Civil War or in Iran — but if history tells us anything it won't change any minds in Versailles on the Potomac.
Chuck Spinney
La Grazie, Italia

STEPHEN KINZER, Boston Globe, July 15, 2012

News from Timbuktu is rare, but these days there is too much of it.

Religious fanatics have been destroying exquisite ancient tombs that are cultural icons of universal value. Women who used to walk freely now fear to leave their homes without veils. Schools, clinics, and banks have been looted and burned.

Militants who embrace the rigid Salafi brand of Islam are on a rampage in Timbuktu and other parts of Mali, an ancient, landlocked North African nation that was once the seat of a trading empire. They are allied with Al Qaeda.

Already they control a thinly populated region larger than Texas. It is not difficult to imagine this region becoming an incubator of terrorism and transnational crime — or to imagine that the United States will react by making Mali the newest front in its ever-expanding drone war.

This catastrophe did not “just happen.” It is the direct result of an episode that may at first seem unrelated: the US-led intervention in Libya last year. Rarely in recent times has there been a more vivid example of how such interventions can produce devastating unexpected results.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour at White House and Department of State”

Marcus Aurelius: USG Giving Away Alaskan Islands & Oil to Russia? Since 1977? All Secret, All Henry Kissinger…

02 Diplomacy, 06 Russia, Corruption, Government
Marcus Aurelius

Some good stuff including giveaways to Russia done in secret, no publicity at all.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Giveaways to Russia

■  Giveaway of 8 American Alaskan Islands and Vast Oil-Rich Seabeds to Russians

■  Henry Kissinger Ordered the Alaskan Island Giveaway Secretly in 1977

■  Giveaway of Southern Sakhalin Island and its Vast Oil to Russia Injures 46 Countries

■  State Department Helps Russian Bogus Claim to North Pole

■  United Nations Helps Giveaway of American Islands and Seabeds to Russians

State Department Imperils 70 American Islands and Resource Zones

FailureIn Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean Loses Millions of Square Miles
Of Oil, Fishery, and Other Resources; Allows Giveaways to Other Countries

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NIGHTWATCH: China Builds Economic-Tourism Bridge to Taiwan, Puts PLA Into a Box – US Will Continue to Demonize China for Unethical Reasons

02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Sixteen years ago, Pingtan Island, just north west of Taiwan, was the center of Chinese military energies to intimidate Taiwanese voters against electing a pro-independence president. Major amphibious operations were staged, some with catastrophic loss of life by military personnel because of bad weather. This also was the first time China attempted to maintain continuous air operations over the Taiwan Strait. That also proved beyond Chinese capabilities.

These complemented the dramatic and sensational Chinese short range ballistic missile shots into Taiwan's two main ports. The missile launches might be compared to the US launching missiles into Pearl Harbor to prevent Hawaii from seceding from the US.

A key difference was that the Chinese missiles were so inaccurate, that no one knew whether they would launch much less whether they would stay on target. The danger was that a ballistic missile might veer off course and strike Taiwan, rather than the ocean. The missiles were so unreliable that the risk of a stray missile was very real. With only luck, they did not hit land or ships in the harbor which would have sparked general war in 1996.

The US sent two aircraft carrier task groups to defend Taiwan in 1996, forcing the Chinese to back down and inflicting a humiliating political defeat on the communist mandarins in Beijing. At one point, during turnover, three carriers were present to defend Taiwan. The Chinese intimidation effort failed on every level. Even the weather was hostile to the Chinese.

This week China published details of its plans for the Pingtan Comprehensive Economic Zone (CEZ) through the approval and promulgation of the General Development Plan for the Pingtan CEZ. Mainland China officials have emphasized the “importance” of the plan and the CEZ.

The Chinese military fiasco during the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis ensured that the communist party leaders would never again allow the People's Liberation Army leaders to have their way in solving any national security problems.

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