Reference: History of Al Qaeda by Dr. Laurie Mylroi



History of Al Qaeda Part I

History of Al Qaeda Part II

History of Al Qaeda Part III

Author's Website

Wikipedia Page About Author

Steele 3-Page Review of the Work

Phi Beta Iota: This document, in three parts (over 300 pages, Part I is the Executive Summary and front matter) is dated 1 September 2005 and was prepared for the Office of Net Assessment in the Department of Defense (US).  It has not gotten the visibility it merits.  It is very unusual for a living person to have a Wikipedia page, regardless of whether one agrees with the author on varied points, this marks her as a person of influence whose views must be considered.

Reference: Foreign Policy in Focus–South Asia

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Articles & Chapters, Media Reports

Strategic Focus: South Asia

Boats in Bangladesh. Photo credit: Ahron de Leeuw.

Home to well over one-fifth of the population, South Asia continues to be a hotbed of conflict and upheaval. Human rights abuses, the war in Afghanistan, and climate change all present critical challenges to the region and to U.S. foreign policy. In our new focus, FPIF contributors examine current obstacles and future solutions in South Asia.

U.S. military strategy in Afghanistan is built on two coups, one in Kabul and the other in Islamabad, writes Shibil Siddiqi in Obama's Surge and Pakistan.

The AfPak Train Wreck: Conn Hallinan says that the president's goals in escalating the war in Afghanistan are deeply flawed. Just ask the Russians.

Adil Shamoo, in Nation-Building in Afghanistan, writes that the United States can learn from the mistakes made in Iraq to craft a new approach for that country.

Robert Naiman, in ‘Legitimacy' in Afghanistan, points out that escalation has just brought more death and destruction. More escalation could close off opportunities for a political solution.

Much of the Afghanistan debate has been centered in the U.S. But what do Afghans think? Gabriela Campos interviews Mariam Nawabi in Underlying Causes of Security in Afghanistan.

Reference: How Little We Know

09 Terrorism, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Historic Contributions
Six Pages Online
Six Pages Online

This contribution by Dr. Laurie Mylroie is so good we are also cataloging it as a Historic Contribution.  See her Wikipedia page as well.  The article appeared originally in The American Spectator (October 2006).  As much as we disagree with many of her beliefs on this matter, we do agree that our national intelligence community was not up to the task of determining the best available truth across the board.  Her two books:

Amazon Page
Amazon Page
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Reference: Open Government Directive

Office of Management and Budget
OMB Memorandum
OMB Memorandum

Phi Beta Iota: We take this Memorandum Directive from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) at its face value.  It seeks to air the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration in order to form an open government.  This is a good initiative that merits the strongest possible support from all possible citizen groups and from individual citizens.

Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game

Correspondence, United Nations & NGOs

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has demonstrated once again the wisdom of the Brahimi Report and the urgency of creating a World Intelligence Center such as Quincy Wright suggested in 1957.  The Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3, was formed in 2006 and accredited as a Public Charity in January 2007.  Below are a few documents that address our view.  A 33-page business plan is circulating and is available on request to anyone with Euro 1-12 million a year to spend.


EIN Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 2 Dec 09

EIN Two-Page Point Paper to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 2 Dec 09

EIN Letter to Ten Key Ambassadors in Washington, D.C., 2 Dec 09

Original (2007) Earth Intelligence Network Concept (10 Pages)

Original (2007) Global Game Concept (2 Pages)

See also:

Continue reading “Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game”

Reference: Global Climate Change Facts

Earth Intelligence, White Papers

Position on Climate Change and ClimateGate

Our Daily Indicators

Antarctic ice 5% below average. Sets record for least summer loss.

Arctic ice 8% below average

Global Sea Ice moves below average

US temps (best data) 2008: 0.5C below 100+ yr ave. No clear trend. October 3rd coldest ever.

Climate Change Facts

* Facts about Global Warming Reality Check
* The IPCC 2007 Forecast
* Impact Assessment Needs
* How to Identify Bias
* IPCC Forecast Vs. Reality
* Forecast is Not Huge
* Was the Earth Warmer before?
* What Should We Do?
* What Should We Not Do?
* Issues of Disagreement?
* Skeptics View of Consensus?
* Consensus View Of Skeptics?
* Is Global Warming Bad?
* Polar Bears/Polar Ice?
* CO2 so high we can't breathe?