Search: US Navy Map 2012

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This is probably a fabrication that has nothing to do with the US Navy.   It appears to be associated with HAARP and other conspiracy theorists who are certain the US Government is behind plans to flood the world.

For a more credible depiction of the world in 100 years or more (note: beyond several generations into the future), see below.

Graphic: Maps of the Post Flood Future Geography

An alternative interpretation of the search that includes the piracy chart.

2008 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century

Click on Image to Expand
Click on Image to Expand

Search: ecological degradation


The better search term is Environmental Degradation, as this is officially the #3 high-level threat to humanity, after poverty and infectious disease.  Ecological Economics, also known as True Cost Economics, is the term used to actually understand environmental degradation in detail.

Phi Beta Iota search on Environmental Degradation

Google search on “Environmental Degradation” source=phibetaiota

A partial explanation for the confusion or clutter (Open Source Everything and Open Source Intelligence coming up constantly) is that OSE, OSINT, and M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sence-Making) are central to addressing all ten high-level threats, including Environmental Degradation, in a holistic affordable sustainable fashion.  Note 1:  Climate Change is 10% of Environmental Degradation, and within Climate Change carbon is much less important than mercury and sulfter.  Note 2:  Poverty is high-level threat #1 in part because pervasive poverty is the leading threat that sustains hihg-level threats #2 (infectious disease) and #3 (environmental degradation).  Ending poverty not only addresses ALL of the other nine threats, but it also stops population growth and stress on the planet.

DuckDuckGo “Environmental Degradation”   .   DuckDuckGo “Environmental Degradation” phibetaiota

Human in the Loop Recommendations Specific to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog:

Continue reading “Search: ecological degradation”

Search: design philosophy politics


This is an important search and made multiple times.  Whoever is thinking about this, consider getting in touch with Robert Steele, this is something he is thinking about right now, defining the future of Public Administration transformed into Public Governance and no longer government-centric.

Selected Internal Search Results

2012 Integrity, Reflexivity, & Open Everything

Reference: Cyber-Intelligence–Restore the Republic Of, By, and For…

Reference: Diversity of Voices & Values

Reference: Infinite Wealth for All

Review: Extreme Democracy

Review: Homeland Earth

Review: The Design of Business–Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage

Review: The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust

Robert Steele: Open Answers to Adam Dorwart

Theophilis Goodyear: Panarchy versus Anarchy – Non-Hierarchal, Network-Controled Governance + Panarchy RECAP

Google Search plus source=phibetaiota

Michel Bauwens: Is Open Source Hardware Creating an Open World?

THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO – Transparency, Truth, & Trust . . . the meme, the mind-set, and the method

Human in the Loop

2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant – The Public [Work in Progress]

Joichi Ito: Internet is an Open-Source Philosophy

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Joichi Ito



We see this popping up again.  Below is the original answer.

Search: and others

Robert Steele is an elected member of the Silicon Valley Hackers Conference, a recurring speaker for Hackers on Planet Earth, and a colleague acquaintance of the founders of the Chaos Computer Club in Germany and Hack-Tic in the Netherlands, although he has not been in touch with the latter two for over a decade.

His most important recent articles in the Hacker Spirit are these:

2010 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark)

2010 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark)2012 PREPRINT FOR COMMENT: The Craft of Intelligence

See Also:

Continue reading “Search:”

Search: federal government spending osint

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Corruption, IO Impotency, Key Players, Knowledge, Money, P2P / Panarchy, Policies, Politics, Reform, Resilience, Searches, Strategy, Threats

ROBERT STEELE: The IC, DoD, and oversight agencies such as OMB and GAO have not sought to audit government spending on OSINT and probably could not do so effectively with the combination of ignorance on the part of the auditors and recalcitrance on the part of those who should be audited.  The closest anyone came to setting the stage for this was in 2000 when Sean O'Keefe, DD/OMB, established code M320 to tag all spending by the US Government on contractor provision of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  When O'Keffe moved to NASA, the impetus for getting OSINT right died.  More recently, Joe Markowitz and Robert Steele met with senior civil servants at OMB and got a second approval  for the Open Source Agency (OSA) contingent on a Cabinet secretary asking for it.  There was universal agreement the OSA should not be under secret community management but rather under diplomatic and/or commercial agency auspices.  Joe Markowitz and Robert Steele continue to favor Markowitz's original idea, that the OSA be a sister-agency to the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).  It would of course provide near-real-time feed of all OSINT to the high side, the secret side, but all OSINT would remain outside the wire for liberal sharing with any other actor US or foreign.

Robert Steele

What is known is that DoD treats OSINT as a technical processing challenge (this is ineffective since 80% or more of OSINT is not published, not digital, and not online); that ABLE DANGER was a very expensive program that included both digital OSINT and the digitization of visa application; that Document Exploitation (DOCEX) has received a great deal of investment within DIA, to the point that seriously silly claims have been made to justify new SES/DISL positions, e.g. that DOCEX is its “own” discipline.  The two largest contracts in OSINT, both hosed by the client with the contractors going along, are the L-3 provision of OSINT technical and subject matter support to the CIA's Open Source Center (the latter is NOT, by any stretch of the imagination, a national capability, just an over-hyped internal capability whose budget has been cut in half since the conversation from being the Foreign Broadcast Information Service) and the SOS International contract with USSTRATCOM to provide butts in seats that pretend to do IO/online OSINT monitoring (more idiocy).

Over-all, including classified projects, including DARPA and IARPA and hidden relationships with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, among others, and including non-secret non-national security element spending on open sources and what pass for methods, is no less than one billion a year, probably around three billion a year, and when counting all the buried pieces (e.g. contractors doing Mission X and creating their own OSINT support that is still not available for the CIA OSC), perhaps as much as five billion a year.  All out of control, lacking any combination of intelligence and integrity, as much if not more of a waste than the $80 billion plus spent on technical collection that is not processed, with little regard for human intelligence and advanced analytics, all to provide “at best” 4% of what the President or a major commander requires to make good decisions.

Continue reading “Search: federal government spending osint”