Ramola D: Bio-Hacking & Mind Control to Achieve Murder — The Case of Rohinie Bisesar

07 Other Atrocities
Ramola D
Ramola D

21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists

Stepping out of the realms of speculation, fantasy, and science-fiction today, covert neuro-experimentation has “come of age” and is being discussed widely today–if only  in many closed circles–by writers, scientists, whistleblowers, and those non-consensually experiencing its effects.

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9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 9/11 research, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
9/11 Time to Indict Dick Cheney
9/11 by Dick Cheney

Phi Beta Iota: It is not possible to be a fully effective professional if you are not able to question official narratives and blatant lies told by official personalities. It is now known that Dick Cheney “took over” the 9/11 plot hatched by the Zionist government of Israel (not to be confused with the sane loyal Jews everywhere including Israel).

It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria, while at the same time extending the military-industrial complex to create a police state that is no longer focused on community needs or peace but rather on mass surveillance, and spending as much money as possible to no good end.

Additional commentary and a structured index of 9/11 coverage by multiple contributing editors are provided below the fold. Here are the categories for the many links below:

  • Top-Level Overviews
  • 9/11 An Inside Job?
  • 9/11 and Gold War Against Russia + Insider Trading
  • 9/11 and Zionist Israel (Absolving All Jews)
  • Saudis Did Not Do 9/11 (and the Last Bin Laden Was a Fake)
  • 9/11 Truth Movement / 9/11 as Wake-Up Call for Public?
  • 9/11 Repression of Truth Movement — Denial, Fear, Lies & Murder
  • Aftermath of 9/11 – Endless War & True Cost
  • Aftermath of 9/11 – False Flags as Routine

Continue reading “9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota”

Mongoose: Lee Harvey Oswald Innocent

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

The Oswald Innocence Campaign is a group of JFK researchers committed to publicizing the truth: that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent of killing President Kennedy. And, he had an iron-clad alibi: he was standing in the doorway of the Texas Book Depository when the shooting took place. And, we have the images to prove it. We also know that Oswald told police that he was “out with Bill Shelley in front” during the shooting, where Shelley was also in the doorway. That fact did not surface until 1996 with the discovery of the Fritz Notes during the ARRB.

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Jon Rappoport: CDC Police State – Sneeze and You Can Be Jailed Without Due Process Protection

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

The CDC medical police state: the right to detain anyone

The new proposed CDC regulations are contained in the Federal Register dated August 15, 2016, under the heading, “Control of Communicable Diseases—Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.”

Reading between the lines, the stark message is: any person in the US suspected of carrying a serious communicable disease, even if his disease is in an “invisible” stage, can be detained, isolated, quarantined, and medically treated (e.g., forcibly vaccinated). Upon conditional release, the person can be monitored, and this can involve wearing electronic tracking devices.