Stephen E. Arnold: Search Bottlenecks — Still There, Getting Worse

Autonomous Internet, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Speeding Up Search: The Challenge of Multiple Bottlenecks

I read “Search at Scale Shows ~30,000X Speed Up.” I have been down this asphalt road before, many times in fact. The problem with search and retrieval is that numerous bottlenecks exist; for example, dealing with exceptions (content which the content processing system cannot manipulate).

I wish to list some of the speed bumps which the write does not adequately address or, in some cases, acknowledge:

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William Binney: Thin Thread – Signals Intelligence Within the Rule of Law

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet

General Observation: I assume you knew something about Thinthread from your work as a government [employee or] contractor; but, you probably did not get the truth about the TT Program. I have attached an article written about TT by Diane Roark. Plus, TT was not abandoned back then. The software is what they are using today to spy on the whole world. This is clear from the Ed Snowden material plus the NSA IG report from 2009. Also, they have not changed the name of some the TT related programs. They adopted these TT programs because they had nothing else that could handle massive data and data flows.  They removed three parts of TT back in 2001. First, the filtering software that did smart selection of relevant data only; second, the encryption Of identifying attributes to mask individuals identities; and, finally, monitoring software that looked at every one on the network and what they were doing As they did it. I would also point out that not only did they adopt all the software to manage data but they also adopted our (SARC) design for Networks that connected multiple parties (1st, 2nd and 3rd) – see Rampart A on the WWW. Further, Kirk Wiebe and I are working with partners
In Amsterdam to implement a TT type program, but on a much more comprehensive scale. Bill

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Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo Facebook Foundering – And Stalking…

Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Facebook Floundering Again?

It is no shock to say that Facebook has had some rough months lately. Amidst controversy over their handling of fake news and algorithms that seem to avoid friends, the company’s biggest problems are actually internal. The social media giant’s culture is beginning to gain a lot of attention, and not for good reasons. We learned more in a Slashdot excerpt, “A Facebook Employee Asked Reporter to Turn Off Phone So Facebook Couldn’t Track its Location.”

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Yoda: Zionist Motivations for Assassinating JFK – the Archives

04 Education, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency, Officers Call

From 2014 now circulating in conservative patriotic circles.

DOJ Files Prove President Kennedy & Robert Kennedy fighting Zionists When Murdered

These fascinating historical documents were released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act. I have in bold critical information during President Kennedy’s fight to the death to get the Jewish Lobby registered as foreign agents, which would have prevented Israel’s stranglehold on America. Click on the date to see the original documents.

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Rebecca Campbell: The End of #GoogleGestapo?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics
Rebecca Campbell

Save your video files! Health Ranger to launch YouTube alternative that protects the free speech of real Americans

As every informed person is well aware, Google / YouTube has been on a censorship rampage against conservative voices, not just demonetizing accounts but deleting them altogether. The radical Left’s “speech purge” is well under way, and their goal is the complete extermination of all pro-America, pro-Trump, pro-liberty voices.

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