2004 Andregg (US) Why the Intelligence Community (IC) System Drives You Crazy, and How to Come In From the Cold
Briefings (Core), Historic Contributions, Policy, Reform, StrategyReference: Italian Ministry of Defense Briefings
Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, DoD, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Policy, Reform, Strategy, Threats, ToolsThese briefings were commissioned by the Ministry of Defense in Italy and delivered over two days with independent official briefings from Carol Dumaine, then the active leader of the Global Futures Partnership Initiative (GFP).
2002 FAILURE of 20th Century Intelligence
2004 The Failure of 20th Century Intelligence (Updated 2006)
2004 COLLECTION: Know Who Knows
2004 PROCESSING: Make the Most of What You Know
Memoranda: Four Reforms for Public Consideration
About the Idea, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Memoranda, Policy, Reform, Strategy
This work benefitted form the thoughtful inquiries by Tom Atlee of the Co-Intelligence Institute.
2002 Creveld (IL) Twenty-Four Theses on Intelligence
Analysis, Briefings (Core), Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, History, Methods & Process, Policy, StrategyAlong with Colin Gray, Steve Metz, and Max Manwaring, Martin van Creveld is among the intellectual giants of our era with respect to strategic reflection, and he stands alone at the intersection of strategy, logistics, technology, command & control, and the art of decision-making under conditions of great uncertainty.
His contribution to OSS '02 was created especially for this multinational group, and we believe it will stand the test of time as a seminal work for those who seek to transform intelligence from a bureaucracy that measures inputs to a cosmic force that determines outcomes favorable to all concerned.
2002 Manwaring (US) Asymmetry, Conflict, and the Need to Achieve Both Vertical and Horizonal Integration
Historic Contributions, Military, Peace Intelligence, StrategyThe outline below does not do justice the rich spontaneous presentation that Col Dr. Max Manwaring of the Strategic Studies Institute shared with OSS '02.
Dr. Manwaring may well be America's top authority on both “uncomfortable small wars” and on “gangs against governments.”
He is the originator of the six generations of warfare (the US still fights 4th generation warfare at best) and inspired the definition by Robert Steele of the seventh generation, Information Peacekeeping at “total war” using information and intelligence as the sole munition.
Click on the photograph to access his rich biography and many publications, most free online. Click below to read the outline.
2001 Foster (US) Getting to Tomorrow: A Plea for Strategic Reformation
Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, StrategyDr. Gregory Foster is among those who give the military's academic environment vibrant. Below is his presentation to OSS '01.