Worth A Look: Book on CIA’s View of Open Sources

Intelligence (Government/Secret), Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Hamilton Bean

$49.95, 218 pages

Available for Pre-Order, 31 May 2011

Phi Beta Iota: Mr. Bean means well, but this is a three star book at best, losing one star for being grotesquely over-priced and a second for being completely out of touch with the Open Source Intelligence world outside the albino incest pit at CIA, while also completely oblivious to all that is going on across 90 different nations and the eight tribes of intelligence. The book's coverage of the US scene is mediocre, missing Bill Studeman, Joe Markowitz, Carol Dumain, Doug Dearth, and Ben Harrison, among many others–a simple comparison of Golden Candle Awards with those named in the index makes clear the very limited “official” range of views, most of them ranging from the totally unethical to the obliviously bureaucratic.  A pre-quel to the book is available at the link below, as well as the riposte that was reviewed in draft by Studeman and Markowtiz.

2007 IJIC 20/2 The DNI’s Open Source Center

2008 IJIC 21/3 The Open Source Program: Missing in Action

See Also:


History of Opposition (15)

Worth a Look: Sick Fish in the Gulf of Mexico

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
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Sick fish in Gulf are alarming scientists

Unusual number a ‘huge red flag' to scientists, fishermen

pnj.com, May 8, 2011

Red snapper with abnormal stripes caught by a local commercial fisherman. Scientists are seeing a growing number of Gulf fish with lesions and other health problems and are conducting tests to determine whether they are related to the BP oil spill. / Special to the News Journal

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota: If we spent just half of the current US secret intelligence budget of $80 billion a year on monitoring the Earth and creating a real-time grid for establishing the true cost of all products, services, and events (such as the Gulf oil disaster), we would be much more likely to create a prosperous world at peace.  The militarization of “security” may well be–along with the industrialization of agriculture–two of the greatest crimes against humanity in modern times.

Worth a Look: Soldiers Breathing Bioactive Metals

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Advanced Cyber/IO, Earth Intelligence, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look

What harmful element were found in war-zone dust

USA Today, 11 May 2011

Sand is made up of pure silica, but deserts also include minerals that have been deposited by long-gone lakes, ground water, wind and pollution. Navy Capt. Mark Lyles' research team found 37 elements in samples of dust from Iraq and Kuwait, including 15 bioactive metals that are known to cause or have been linked to serious health effects with short- and long-term exposure, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Lyle's team measured settled dust, which servicemembers breathe when it rises into the air during a dust storm. Though the government has standards for air pollution that can contain the following elements, there are no standards for exposures to toxic elements in settled dust. The metals Lyle's team found include:

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Soldiers Breathing Bioactive Metals”

Worth a Look: Design Earth

Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
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We bring Planet, People and Products into harmony through the projects in which we involve ourselves and others.  Design Earth, the portal, is allied with other sites that, collectively, are central to a whole systems approach to creating sustainablilty. These include Wiser Earth, Digital Earth, a certification portal, Commonwealth of Learning, oneVillage Foundation, and a portal to open higher education sites such as MIT's Open University. Others include Live Earth and Many One.


See Also:


Worth a Look: The Azimuth Project

Worth A Look

Welcome to the Azimuth Project!

The Azimuth Project is an international collaboration to create a focal point for scientists and engineers interested in saving the planet. Our goal is to make clearly presented, accurate information on the relevant issues easy to find, and to help people work together on our common problems.

Saving the planet

“Saving the planet” may sound pompous. But the very health of the planet is in peril because of the actions of humankind. Whether it is global warming, mass extinction, peak oil, or other problems, we need to be prepared on many fronts for an uncertain future.

Our goal is not to replace or compete with existing sources of information, but to provide a bird’s-eye view of the information that already exists. We want to make it easy for any scientist or engineer to understand the whole problem and understand specialist literature in many subjects outside their particular domain of expertise.

Tip of the Hat to Curtis Faith for the lead, and to project founder John Baez.

Dolphin Sends: How to Predict Future & Win…

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, IO Impotency, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Offbeat Fun, Worth A Look

I came across the attached sample from a recently published e-book, highlighted on a Competitive Intelligence (CI) blog I regularly follow.

This Eric Garland is on the Phi Beta Iota wavelength — I clearly see where the threats and developments he is most concerned about segue very closely to your own.  Additionally, his analyses are very grounded — and although I am not a CI-professional myself, having served as a government intelligence professional for the whole of my career, I can confidently say that his analytic approach and reasoned insights represent the best-in-class in intelligence analysis, something I have rarely — if ever — observed while serving in the public sector (to our shame).

His sarcastic and somewhat sardonic delivery of these so-called “tips” are entertaining, educational, and unfortunately all-too disturbingly accurate in their portrayal of the decision making process (if you could even call it that) of our senior leadership.

I highly recommend this sample for reading. I found it both enjoyable and meaningful — and best of all — its simplicity is it's greatest strength.
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WORLD FAMOUS FUTUROLOGICAL PREDICTOLOGIST Dr. P. Hughes Egon, who shows us 25 “sure-fire” ways to “predict the future and win” (while in reaiity, these are traps to avoid):

Below the line Codeword OSCAR SIERRA.  The US Air Force will put you in JAIL if you dare to click and read….

Continue reading “Dolphin Sends: How to Predict Future & Win…”