Dev Balkind: Nathan Schneider on Owning

Access, Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Economics/True Cost
Devin Balkind
Devin Balkind

Nathan Schneider is one of the best chroniclers of the emergence of the new solutions.  This piece places places a lot of innovations into context, connecting various movements and ideologies together to give the reader a picture of what's next.

Owning is the New Sharing

Nathan Schneider

“We’re moving into a new economic age,” says Marjorie Kelly, who spent two decades at the helm of Business Ethics magazine and now advises social entrepreneurs. “It needs to be sustainable. It needs to be inclusive. And the foundation of what defines an economic age is its form of ownership.”   …   There are many ways to own. Simply giving up on ownership, however, will mean that those who actually do own the tools that we rely on to share will control them. People who want an economy of genuine sharing are coming to recognize that they must embrace ownership — and, as they do, they're changing what owning means altogether.

Jean Lievens: How the Sharing Economy is Booming Without Hurting the Environment

03 Economy, Cultural Intelligence, Economics/True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

How the Sharing Economy is Booming Without Hurting the Environment


1. Minimizes manufacturing costs
2. Minimizes distribution costs
3. It lessens the need for consumption
4. It brings awareness to green strategies

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Jean Lievens: BitCoin Basics – Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), Distributed Anonymous Computing, Embedded Time-Stamped Contracts, and the Elimination of Bankers AND Lawyers?

Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Bitcoin’s blockchain could revolutionize more than just how we do business

Gordon Fletcher

, 01 Oct 2014


Cryptocurrencies are novel as they are only possible because of the ready availability of high-speed computing and networks. They are a challenge to today’s currencies because of their decentralised nature, taking them out of national governments’ control.     What has been given less attention is the mechanism that makes the bitcoin network possible, the blockchain.    . . .   The use of the blockchain means that each contract is distributed across the network with time triggers agreed and written into the contract.   …    The Ethereum White Paper outlining the concepts and aims of the project describes how using the blockchain can be used to form decentralised autonomous organisations (DAO).   …   Various controversial claims around Ethereum suggest it will remove the need for lawyers, or even the need for bankers.   …   In a similar way open innovation could become a more powerful mechanism by using the blockchain as an arbitrator that offers attribution of original ideas in the correct chronological order. The blockchain can also be applied to education, used to verify attendance and identity for exams held at remote locations.   …  Ethereum is just the first to exploit the blockchain in novel and creative ways. Others are already arriving, for example IBM’s Adept project takes the blockchain in an entirely different direction, putting it at the centre of a future internet of things. Here the blockchain is used to authenticate devices so they can communicate with each other, using the blockchain to store a record of devices that have done so.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: BitCoin Basics – Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), Distributed Anonymous Computing, Embedded Time-Stamped Contracts, and the Elimination of Bankers AND Lawyers?”

Jean Lievens: Open Content Business Models and Michel Bauwens on DeGrowth

Data, Economics/True Cost, Education
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Open Content and Public Broadcasting: Future Business Models – YouTube

Over 100 participants and industry leaders explore issues related to producing and distributing open access content across multiple public broadcasting platforms.The WGBH Educational Foundation, with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, hosts a conference on Open Content and Public Broadcasting. Listen in as over 100 participants come together with industry leaders to explore issues related to producing and distributing open access content across multiple public broadcasting platforms.

Degrowth 2014 – Michel Bauwens on The Transition to a Sustainable Commons Society – YouTube

Degrowth will only be possible by changing the artificial scarcity-based design practices and engineering of the for-profit sector and by removing the incentive to externalize the true production costs in terms of matter and energy. A commons-oriented approach should combine global open design based in communities, local on-demand distributed manufacturing, and the use of renewable distributed energy. Along with changes in governance and ownership, it can contribute to a global phase transition.Vertalen

Graphic: Embedded Intelligence — Adding Open Source Everything (Engineering Intelligence), True Cost Economics (Supply Intelligence) and Holistic Analytics (Demand Intelligence)

Analysis, Citizen-Centered, Data, Design, Earth Orientation, Economics/True Cost, Education, Governance, Graphics, ICT-IT, Innovation, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Manufacturing, Materials, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Political, Processing, Reform, Resilience, Resilience, Science, Software, Sources (Info/Intel), Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Tribes, True Cost

Enhanced Graphic:

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Click on Image to Enlarge

Source: Robert David Steele

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Larry Chang: Values-Based Planetary Economy

Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education
digital units trimmed
Click on Image to Enlarge

New Planetary Economy
A new, rational, self-regulating economic system is necessary to meet present and projected global realities. The current model creates artificial scarcity by strictly controlling the issue of currency, converting it into a tradable commodity itself. Money is further hoarded and manipulated in such a way as to create debt, inequity and poverty.
The silver lining to the current economic crisis is that people will be forced, perhaps for the first time, to examine their unconscious assumptions about this entrenched system and stretch their cognitive range to allow for a different approach.

Below the fold are the executive summary in full text, and a 22 page PDF with graphics.

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