Robert Steele: Reflections on the Next Data Revolution

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

I was  glad to respond to an invitation to write “Beyond Data Monitoring,” a Background Paper for the UN International Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution, co-chaired by Robin Li of Baidu, which is good, with Open Source represented by Tim “algorithms rule” O'Reilly, which is bad. Although the paper gained no traction with the intended recipients, it was sent by other means to the special assistant to the Secretary-General, and has  taken on a life of its own elsewhere. Building on the earlier Earth Intelligence Network concepts, and together with my forthcoming article on Applied Collective Intelligence (Spanda Journal, December 2014), this paper is the summary of my old thinking.

Today I begin new thinking, with a tip of the hat to Daniel Mezick among others — I feel blessed to have connected with so many brilliant information technologists over the years, including hackers around the world and with Stephen E. Arnold, CEO of Arnold IT, always in the forefront as my most trusted observer of the hollowness of industrial-era IT. Below is my emergent vision challenge for the future of public free open information sharing and sense-making. I am seeking contributing thoughts that will be acknowledged here as this develops.

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Jeffrey Jaxen: Open Source 3D Printer Relevant to Food, Water, Nutrition, and Medicine

Jeff Jaxen
Jeff Jaxen

……is a physical device that can give “people everywhere the ability to be more self-sustaining and self-reliant in four key areas: food, water, nutrition and medicine.”

Health Ranger to release open source 3D printer files for upcoming invention with early 2015 release date


What's so extraordinary about this invention is that it requires no electricity and no complex moving parts (no pumps, no circuit boards, no gears, etc.). That means it's 100% EMP-proof, power grid failure proof and even radiation proof.

Worth a Look: #OpenSource ALL Power Labs Carbon-Negative Bio-Mass Gasifier

05 Energy, Design
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

ALL Power Labs offers biomass gasifiers and power generation systems at multiple levels of assembly and system integration.  From “We deliver it turnkey complete“ to”You build it from scratch,” you decide the relative amount of effort vs cost you want to invest towards your finished system.

All Power Pallets and GEKs are covered by a 100% money back guarantee.

ALL Power Labs

Tip of the Hat to Mark Perrodin for this pointer — note open souce and reasonable pricing.

Guradian Sustainable Business: Jeremy Rifkin on Super Internet Solving All Our Problems — Never Mind the True Cost Details

#OSE Open Source Everything, Civil Society, Ethics

guardian sustainable businessRadical new economic system will emerge from collapse of capitalism

Political adviser and author Jeremy Rifkin believes that the creation of a super internet heralds new economic system that could solve society’s sustainability challenges


What about the concern that the end of capitalism would lead to chaos? Rifkin believes the gap left by the disappearance of major corporations will be filled by the nonprofit sector.

Robert Steele
Robert Steele

ROBERT STEELE: Rifkin is brilliant at the fad level and we are lucky to have him as a voice that the public can hear. Where he falls flat is in relation to holistic analytics, true cost of production, and open source everything engineering. Anyone who can say that business has succeeded wildly in lowering the costs of production is clearly out of touch with the true cost of production.

See Also:

Analytics @ Phi Beta Iota
Open Source @ Phi Beta Iota
True Cost @ Phi Beta Iota

Guardian Sustainable Business: 8 Recycling Success Stories

03 Environmental Degradation, Design, Materials

guardian sustainable business8 ways to rethink resources: nappies to benches and food waste to biogas


1. Nappies to roof tiles and railway sleepers   .   2. Paper to reduce food waste   .   3. Sustainable construction materials   .   4. Clothes from old water bottles   .   5. Agri-waste into plastic bottles   .   6. Worms as fertiliser   .   7. Food waste to biogas   .   8. Recycling polyester

Phi Beta Iota: Brilliant examples of remediation in context of continuing to do the wrong things righter (Russell Ackoff 2004). Bio-design and the tri-fecta of holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering would make such measures moot.