Worth a Look: Beyond Intractability – Online Learning At Its Best


Efforts to limit the terrible destructiveness commonly associated with intractable conflicts ultimately depend on the ability of people in a full range of conflict roles to successfully play their part in a broad peacebuilding effort. Though each circumstance is, to some degree, unique, there is also much to be learned from others who have solved similar problems before. The goal of the Beyond Intractability (BI) system is to make such knowledge more widely and freely accessible, so people aren't forced to “reinvent the wheel.” To the extent we can all contribute to a knowledge base on better ways of approaching and transforming intractable conflicts, the closer we can come to limiting the destructiveness of these situations around the world.

The project does not advocate or teach one particular approach. Rather, it provides access to information on many approaches which can then be adapted to many different situations. Our goal is to give people new ideas to think about and new hope. As a free Internet service, BI provides information that is much more affordable and accessible than traditional training programs or hard-to-find books. BI is also constantly growing and changing, making the breadth, depth, and potential of the peacebuilding field more clearly visible.

Learn more.

Robert Steele: Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) ”

#OSE Open Source Everything
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I am Amazon's #1 non-fiction reviewer of all time, in Amazon's “Hall of Fame”, (and a former CIA spy). AMA

Starting to wind down, spontaneous comments now a matter of record.

My name is Robert Steele. I am an unemployed spy turned do-gooder who in passing has become the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories, with 1831 in-depth reviews (My actual library was close to 4,000 volumes, I gave 1,000 to the local library and 3,000 to George Mason University).

I’ve got time on my hands and certainly appreciate Reddit from when its front page turned someone else’s six minute video of me into a hot YouTube item.

Also an eleven-minute interview by Warren Pollock on my new book, THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust.

Picking up where the book stops, I publish a free online round-up at 2200 Eastern every day, OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING HIGHLIGHTS, twitter hash #openall.

So go ahead AMA!—I am committed to short serious answers that will be useful.


Graphic: Public Governance in the 21st Century

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Corruption, Ethics, Graphics, ICT-IT, Innovation, Key Players, Leadership-Integrity, Policies, Policies-Harmonization, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge

Preliminary thoughts of Robert Steele in Response to

15 Nov 2012 Proposal Deadline 30-31 May 2013 San Francisco Public Administration Theory Network 2013

See Also:

2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant – The Public [Work in Progress]

Journal: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP

15 Nov 2012 Proposal Deadline 30-31 May 2013 San Francisco Public Administration Theory Network 2013 –


Public Administration Theory Network 2013: Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals: “Governance and the Utopian Imagination” – Public Administration Theory Network

This year's meeting of the Public Administration Theory Network (PAT-Net) seeks to re-engage “the utopian imagination” and invites contributions from across the social sciences, humanities, and fields of professional and community practice that critically explore the intersection of contemporary governance, utopia, and the human impulse to make better worlds.

*About the Public Administration Theory Network*****

The Public Administration Theory Network (PAT-Net) is an international network of professionals concerned with the advancement of public administration theory. The Network was formed in 1978 by a group of scholars who were seeking an alternative venue to develop and talk about public administration theory.

*Administrative Theory & Praxis* is the official peer-reviewed journal of PAT-Net. For more information on PAT-Net and past conferences, and the upcoming conference visit www.patheory.net

*26th Annual Conference

*Pre-Conference Workshop*****

*San Francisco, CA*****

*May 30-31, June 1-2, 2013*****

*Proposal** Deadline: November 15, 2012*****

*Hosted by University of San Francisco + California State University-East Bay

Continue reading “15 Nov 2012 Proposal Deadline 30-31 May 2013 San Francisco Public Administration Theory Network 2013 –”

Jon Lebkowsky: Doc Searls Book & Discussion – The Intention Economy

Culture, Economics/True Cost, P2P / Panarchy
Jon Lebkowsky

I’m leading a discussion on the WELL with Doc Searls about his new book, The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge, which explores new thinking about the power relationship between customers/consumers and vendors. Doc has been rethinking those relationships through Project VRM (via his fellowship at the Berkman Center at Harvard), which has recently led to the creation of a “customer commons.”

It’s an old saw to say that listening to customers is a way to improve and gain new market advantages. But the difference with VRM will be adapting to standards and practices set on the customers’ side — ones that work the same for all companies. There will be less and less leverage in communicating only within a company’s on communication silo. IMHO, “social” services like Twitter and Facebook are not going to provide those standard ways, because they too are privately owned silos.

Scale will only happen when everybody uses the same stuff in the same way. The Internet and its core protocols scaled because they were essentially NEA: Nobody owned them, Everybody Used them and Anybody could improve them. (Yes, some were owned in a legal sense, but in a practical sense they were ownerless. This is why, for example, Ethernet beat Token Ring. Intel, Xerox and Digital essentially released Ethernet into the public domain while IBM wanted to keep Token Ring fully private and charge or it. This bitter lesson had leverage later when IBM embraced Linux.) Email as we know it won because it scaled in exactly that way.