Robert Steele: What Business Is Google In? Mass Surveillance. Period.

#OSE Open Source Everything, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas

Reflecting on Eric Schmidt's idiocy of yesterday, and the failure of Google to render useful tools enhancing public understanding and power, I asked a few folks what business Google was in, and how we should interpret their introducing of Google Fiber to major cities.

The answer is: Google is in the business of mass surveillance, and Google Fiber is how NSA takes the next step. Never mind that they will not process more than 1% of what they capture — they will have to power to zero in on anyone.

In my view, we need to accelerate attention toward decentralized blockchain forms of technology as well as increased valuation of face to face human interaction. I have called for the elimination of the NRO, NSA, and NGA and the creation of an Open Source (Technologies) Agency. I still see potential in Amazon, ESRI, Facebook, Google, and Oracle, to name a few large firms, but they lack the commitment to creating public wealth for the good of all that I see as the essence of our role going forward. It's worth noting that AT&T is kicking Google's ass on the fundamentals while Verizon is looking at Yahoo for the wrong reasons.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: What Business Is Google In? Mass Surveillance. Period.”

Neal Rauhauser: What Is a Blockchain?

Money, P2P / Panarchy, Software, Sources (Info/Intel)
Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser

The blockchain is a cryptographically secured register. A long, long time ago we used to hook a line printer to important systems and they'd print a subset of their logging to it. An intruder taking over a box could erase the contents of /var/log, but that printout was immutable. The blockchain provides something similar, but it's globally distributed, so *everyone* with access can write on it in an immutable fashion.

EXTRACT: Today an Argentinian freelancer who uses their banking system has to wait five days for an international transfer, lose 30% of his income to predatory fee structures, and run the very real risk that one of the parties involved in the clearing will simply misplace their money entirely. A Bitcoin based competitor can do this transaction at 1% of the cost in 0.1% of the time, make a profit while doing so, and there is nothing the government can do to stop it. 

Continue reading “Neal Rauhauser: What Is a Blockchain?”

Ty Simpson: What is Bitcoin?

Money, P2P / Panarchy, Software
Ty Simpson
Ty Simpson

You asked me to comment on “The Logic Problems That Will Eventually Pop the Bitcoin Bubble,” as published by Vanity Fair on 31 March 2013.

My critique is that it is VERY old news.  2013. I was just getting into Bitcoins by then, and loosing my ability to walk. Can I counter the piece?  No, not really. The writer has the same problem everyone else has. They think Bitcoin is supposed to ACT like money. Then they go on a tirade of comparisons to other Monetary events. Bitcoin is not a Monetary event.  No one, I repeat, NO ONE, save for space aliens, has seen anything like this on this planet as far as we know.  EVER! Bitcoin is just the first Killer App out of the Blockchain.

Continue reading “Ty Simpson: What is Bitcoin?”

Jean Lievens: Commons Strategies Group

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Governance
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The Commons Strategies Group

The Commons Strategies Group (CSG) is a partnership to help advance the commons in diverse settings — both in theory and practice. Working on four continents, we catalyze and assist commons-based projects, activism, research and public education with a great variety of partners.

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Willy Danenberg: Impact Investing via Blockchain Currencies (Crypto & Other — Infinite Variety)

Willy Danenberg
Willy Danenberg

Impact Investing Complementary Currency and the blockchain

PayServices Inc. has the most advanced Impact Investing system for projects providing local communities, municipalities, tribes and businesses with complementary and now also with crypto, blockchain based currencies and the tools they need to use and manage it.

These include:

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Jean Lievens: Exovate NL – Open Innovation

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Exnovate is a platform bringing together companies that are experienced or interested in open & collaborative innovation. 

As several captains of industry, government officials and academic peers gradually learned about the topic of open innovation, they soon welcomed the idea to create a European Hub for knowledge exchange on collaborative forms of innovation.