NRO jumps on open source bandwagon — sort of…


NRO logoNRO jumps on open source bandwagon

The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is the latest government spy agency to take the leap into the open source software community.


Other U.S. spy agencies have also embraced open source technology in recent projects. With security being such an important issue, it might seem counterintuitive to use software whose source code is openly available, but experts say that kind of transparency is one reason open source systems could be more secure—or at least no less secure—that closed systems.

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Al Rozich: Beyond Global Warming — Other Inconvenient Truths with Focus on Water

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Resilience
Al Rozich
Al Rozich

The resource crisis is bigger issue than global warming. Water-energy-food nexus is critical.

Radio Interview (12:31)

Book Website

Review: Other Inconvenient Truths Beyond Global Warming

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Jean Lievens: Open Source Block Chain Reveals True Cost Economics of Everything — This Is a Revolution!

Economics/True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Blockchain Can Bring Transparency to Supply Chains

The open source, decentralised database blockchain allows consumers to check the authenticity and ethical standards of their products, says Dr. Jutta Steiner.

The key to transparency is the decentralisation of data, meaning no single party can control what is seen.

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Worth a Look: Coalition for Free and Open Elections


Coalition For Free and Open Elections

Full and fair access to the electoral process is a right central to democracy. This right is protected by the U.S. Constitution in the First Amendment which guarantees, among other rights, the freedom to express political views through the electoral process.

This right includes the freedom to register and vote, to form political parties, to run for political office at all levels, to have unhindered access to the ballot and to the means of reaching the public, and to share equally in the benefits given by the state and federal governments to the two major parties and their candidates.

This right is not enjoyed today by voters who seek alternative political choices, nor by independent candidates and alternative political parties. Monopoly of the political process by the two major parties has, in fact, denied the voters an effective range of political choice. A maze of highly technical and restrictive laws has been enacted to bar the full exercise of the constitutional right to participate in the political process.

Jean Lievens: SHARE – the Public Library of Things

Access, Economics/True Cost, P2P / Panarchy, Resilience
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

A Library of Things Puts Frome On the Map as a Sharing Town

Imagine going to a shop, borrowing anything you like, and returning it when you're finished. This is the idea behind SHARE: a Library of Things. Opened in late-April in Frome, a town in southeast England, the aim of SHARE is to enable people to spend less, waste less, and connect more. The first of its kind in the U.K., SHARE has already sparked interest from other communities.

NATO Crowd-Sourcing Future

Crowd-Sourcing, NATO Civ-Mil Ctr
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Seriously. NATO Transformation Command, based in Norfolk, Virginia and previously known as Supreme Allied Command, Atlantic, wants to crowd-source the future. They have a strategic foresight initiative that is hot right now, and anyone can sign up to have an account and express their views on Economics, Environment, Technology, and more. These are serious people with good intentions. Got brain? Take it for a drive at the Innovation Hub. Right now. This stage CLOSES on 23 June. Contributors get to join in the video discussion 24-26 June 2015. The possibility of personal thank you letters is being discussed. Do this.  Now.  Please.