Review: Mary L. Trump, a Cheater in a Cheating Culture, Betrays Her Family & The Republic

2 Star, Biography & Memoirs

2 Star – Cheater Trashes President

Reviewed without Reading by RDS

I am so tired of bottom feeders being bribed or blackmailed to attack our President. Mary L. Trump is such a bottom feeder, and despite her PhD, also myopic, hateful, and uneducated.

President Donald J. Trump matters precisely because he is taking on the Deep State and the Shadow Government that have sold us all out.  He is a pragmatist and a transactional figure who did what he did to get a long within a long-established cheating culture where you cheat or you die.

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Review: The Art of Her Deal – The Untold Story of Melania Trump

5 Star, Biography & Memoirs
Amazon Page

Mary Jordan

5 Stars — A Superb Very Favorable Biography of the Most Elegant First Lady in American History

I would normally have reduced this to four stars for two reasons: it is a long essay disguised as a book with double-spacing, and it is not the untold story — lots of articles are out there but I take it to five stars for two reasons: it is a superb aggregation, extremely well-presented, very favorable, and the book is being slammed by trolls — somebody is going to a lot of trouble to keep people from reading this book.  It has my hearty recommendation. The First Lady passed the smell test with the American people, and what I like most about this book is how ably it documents that she lets the President be himself while at the same time brings to bear such intense intelligence and intuition combined with loyalty that he values her private advice above all others.  Anyone earnestly interested in helping the President should first ask themselves if they could pass muster with the First Lady.

Review: American Oligarchs – The Kushners, the Trumps, and the Marriage of Money and Power

2 Star, Biography & Memoirs
Amazon Page

Andrea Bernstein

2 Stars — This Book Sucks

Unlike other reviewers who give this book 4.5 stars, I have actually read most past books, which allows me to say with confidence that this book draws heavily on prior sources, is tedious, and does not actually tell a story worth reading. It is particular galling to me that this author manages to avoid the reality that the real oligarchs — the  Rothchilds, Bloombergs, Wexners, Broffmans — consider Trump and Kushner in no way at all “members of the club.”

Consider instead:

Robert Steele: Book Reviews (Trump Era)

Review: Orange Man Good – Cartoons from President Trump’s First Term BUY TODAY at Amazon, In Time For Gifting on Christmas!

Review: Deep Survival – Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales

5 Star, Complexity & Catastrophe, Decision-Making & Decision-Support, Intelligence (Spiritual), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
Amazon Page

5 Star – Provocative Chance to Reflect

I was given this book by a very educated person who has been attacked over the years for telling the truth about medical fraud including cover-ups of what amounts to electromagnetic genocide and ecocide. He said it saved his life.

Although the book focuses on surviving in the wilderness and in the face of totally unanticipated breakdowns and combinations (e.g. luxury car breaks down a hundred miles from anywhere at same time that a freak storm comes in), it is in many ways a good starting point for reflection about one's inner tool-kit for surviving just about anything.

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Review: Mary Magdalene Revealed – The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet by Meggan Watterson

6 Star Top 10%, Consciousness & Social IQ, Religion & Politics of Religion
Amazon Page

Six Stars — Christianity as It Should Be, Rooted in Love, Respecting the Feminine, Self as Jesus

This is one of those books that changes everything.  If it were to be appreciated world-wide the Vatican and the Catholic Church in its present form would be burned at the stake, and from the ashes a new church formed in which women have equal if not greater voice.

The bottom line is that ego is power over, while love is power with — love is without beginning or end, without limit.

Continue reading “Review: Mary Magdalene Revealed – The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven't Tried Yet by Meggan Watterson”

Review: The Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ, Intelligence (Spiritual), Religion & Politics of Religion
Amazon Page

5 Stars – Priceless Primary “Reader”

I am in the middle of some sort of spiritual convergence in which everything I have learned up to this point in my 67 years of life is coming together centered on a new understanding of the indivisibility of God, consciousness, energy, and the Cosmos including what some call extraterrestrials, others call angels and demons, I choose to call advanced forms of energy with higher levels of love. Ethics — and patriotism — are central to my reflections.

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Review: The Christian Gospel for Americans – A Systematic Theology by David Ray Griffin

5 Star, Religion & Politics of Religion
Amazon Page

5 Stars — Re-Boots Christianity for Americans

David Ray Griffin is a GIANT as a theologian and leading proponent for “process” theology, which holds that God is not a transcendent eternal and unchanging being but God is immanently involved in the world, God’s very being unfolding in space and time, nature, history and culture. The author's view (which I share) is that history is internal to God, and God is internal to worldly events, but they are not identical. (This keeps God from being considered evil because of the world’s evil).  Read the book for the nuances.

This book is the stake in the heart of the Christian evangelical right that sold out to the Zionists and the Deep Stake. Others, such as Pastor Chuck Baldwin, share Griffin's disdain for the politicized (“agent of Rome”) Christian right, but Griffin is alone at the top of the intellectual mountain on this point.

Continue reading “Review: The Christian Gospel for Americans – A Systematic Theology by David Ray Griffin”