Chuck Spinney: Is Obama a Manchurian President?

Corruption, Government
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

A Manchurian Candidate’s State of the Union

Why do people who nominally like Obama side with his enemies?

This posting has three attachments.  Together, they illustrate the patently irrational nature of the cognitive dissonance now shaping the political debate.  In Attachment 1, an Obama apologist (who will remain unnamed) recently distributed an email praising Obama’s “achievements.”  He ends by posing a  question as if the answer were self evident, given these achievements: Why do so many people who nominally like Obama side with Republicans who hate him?  The apologist’s email was triggered by Professor Michael Brenner’s analysis of Obama’s State of the Union Address (Attachment 3).  Although Brenner does not use the term, his subject is that Obama’s address reflected the dissonance at the center of contemporary political discourse.  In Attachment 2, my friend Mike Lofgren responds directly to the question raised in the critique of Brenner’s essay.  Taken together, Lofgren and Brenner effectively answer the apologist’s question — but until so-called progressives come to grips with the elemental nature of President Obama’s Manchurian Candidate-cy, silly questions like that in Attachment 1 will merely serve to lubricate the looting operation. Read full post.

Worth a Look: Dynamics of Crowd-Minds

Worth A Look
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

A crowd-mind emerges when formation of a crowd causes fusion of individual minds into one collective mind. Members of the crowd lose their individuality. The deindividuation leads to derationalization: emotional, impulsive and irrational behavior, self-catalytic activities, memory impairment, perceptual distortion, hyper-responsiveness, and distortion of traditional forms and structures. This book presents unique results of computational studies on cognitive and affective space-time processes in large-scale collectives of abstract agents being far from mental equilibrium. Computational experiments demonstrate that the irrational and nonsensical behavior of individual entities of crowd-mind results in complex, rich and non-trivial spatio-temporal dynamics of the agent collectives. Mathematical methods employ theory and techniques of cellular-automata and lattice swarms, applied algebra, theory of finite automata and Markov chains, and elementary differential equations.

Bojan Radej: Oxfam Reference on Political Capture and Economic Inequality

Access, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Bojan Radej
Bojan Radej

A fine reference.

Oxfam (2014). Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality (Briefing Paper, 32 pages).

Phi Beta Iota: The elite is starting to fracture — inclusive and redemptive capitalism are code for “stop the pitchforks.” What the broad elite does not get yet is that infinite wealth can be created if they give up 1% of what they are hoarding and get out of the way — stop rigging the system. Electoral Reform is the only “root” means of restoring integrity to the government, the economy, and society.

Sepp Hasslberger: End of Servers II – Future of the Internet

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

They have been working on it for years and it seems ready to go now. I believe that the SAFE network could be our chance of re-making the internet from the bottom up, using our own resources instead of centralised servers for our data and our communications.

Project SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) aims to create a decentralized and secure Internet 2.0 (here is a whitepaper). The SAFE Network is a secure and fully decentralized data management service. The network is made up from the unused computer resources provided by the network users.

Continue reading “Sepp Hasslberger: End of Servers II – Future of the Internet”

Stephen E. Arnold: Enterprise Search Does Not Work — Big Data? Useless to the Front Line Worker

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Enterprise Search: A Problem of Relevance to the Users

There is no fast, easy to use, stable, and helpful way to look for information on a couple of terabytes of local storage. The files are a mixed bag: Excels, PowerPoints, image and text embedded PDFs, proprietary file formats like Framemaker, images, music, etc.

See Also: Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Unstructured Data


SchwartzReport: Solar & Wind Energy Edge Ahead

05 Energy
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is the latest good news about the trend shifting us out of carbon energy. I see more and more of these stories and they lead me to believe that this transition is going to happen more quickly than most planners assumed.

Solar trees are taking root around the world

​Sologic’s sustainable eTree provides free WiFi, a cold drink and more.

Huge New Area Soon To Open For Offshore Wind Power In New England

Phi Beta Iota: Birds are routing around the wind farms — they are not wiping out birds as originally feared.