SchwartzReport: USA More Jails Than Colleges

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is the latest on the American Gulag Trend. This is one of the reasons we can no longer claim the moral highground, and every nation in the village of humanity knows this about us. Click on the line at the very beginning and it will take you to an interactive map of the U.S., where you can get the incarceration number for your county. It is quite revealing.

The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here’s a map of where those prisoners live.

Chuck Spinney: Patrick Cockburn on US Military Failure PBI: Without Intelligence with Integrity, Force Structure is Fraud

Corruption, Government, Military
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Can a Gold-Plated Military Counter ISIS?

Lightly armed guerrilla/insurgent/terrorist forces are once again holding off the high-tech, heavily armed forces of the United States.

War with Isis: Despite billions spent on weapons, the US has not been able to counter the militants' gruesome tactics

The West needs more than a ‘White Knight' if it wants to succeed

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Patrick Cockburn on US Military Failure PBI: Without Intelligence with Integrity, Force Structure is Fraud”

Yoda: Tom Steyer to Go After Fracking?

05 Energy, Ethics
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Convergence, have we.

Tom Steyer Rejoices over Brown’s Speech

Steyer called Brown’s three stated goals for reducing carbon pollution by 2015 “exemplary.” Those goals included raising the amount of electricity gleaned from renewable sources from one-third to one-half, reducing the present usage of petroleum by vehicles by 50%, and making buildings double their energy-efficiency while also reducing the pollution from heating fuels.

Continue reading “Yoda: Tom Steyer to Go After Fracking?”

SchwartzReport: : 2015 War Against Solar Panels

05 Energy
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This is so blatant it sounds like something in a novel. But it's real. This is what we face. This is evil. Make a point of learning about the companies owned by the Kochs (see SR archives) and do no business with them, and never ever shop in a Walmart.

Kochs and Walmart Clan Wage Dirty War to Stop You From Putting Solar Panels on Your Home

Solar panels are popping up everywhere, and it's upsetting to corporate power system.