Journal: Chuck Spinny on Collapse of Reason

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Communities of Practice, Ethics
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Obama and the Triumph of the Will

The Afghan War Question


November 12, 2009

In the opening lines of the oldest treatise on the conduct of war, Sun Tzu said that the question of war is vital to the state, and therefore, it is imperative to study it.  This timeless advice has been been ignored repeatedly by the United States since the end of WWII. The inevitable result has been an insensible rise of war mongering, fueled by arrogance and ignorance, culminating in the chaotic spectacle now enveloping the Afghan War Question in Washington.

The intellectual content of the debate over whether or how much to escalate our forces in Afghanistan has degenerated into formless ranting by all sides.

Read the Complete Article at CounterPunch

Worth a Look: Selections on Terrorism

09 Terrorism, Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Berto Jongman recommends….

New jihad code threatens al Qaeda

Radicalisation Processes Leading to Acts of Terrorism

CSCP Papers:The evolution of Al-Qaedaism: Ideology, terrorists, and appeal

CSCP Papers: Jihadi terrorists in Europe, their characteristics and the circumstances in which they joined the jihad: an exploratory study

Other CSCP publications:  Jihadi terrorists in Europe and Global Salafi Jihadis

Event: 18 Nov 09, The Hague, China as Leader Toward Sustainable Energy System for All


The Clingendael International Energy Programme and Clingendael Asia Studies are hosting a one-day conference to discuss the role of China in the global efforts to achieve a transition to a more sustainable energy system. They are very proud to host a key selection of renowned experts from academia and industry to share insights on the various rapidly developing energy sectors in China.

Conference Information

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 12 Nov 09


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PE: Peru proposes arms reduction in South America 11/11/09

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UY: Crusade on Uruguayan Presidential Candidate Denounced 11/06/09

VE: Venezuela Socialists Ready to Face US Interference 11/10/09

Below the Fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Continue reading “SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 12 Nov 09”

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For many other references relevant to IO, see the original OSS page on IO.  See also our short Memorandum on Chinese Irregular Warfare.

Journal: Out-Sourcing Corruption

Ethics, Methods & Process

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

U.S. Nonprofit Screws up Iraq Jobs Program, Now Working on Afghanistan Repeat

As Joanna Nathan recently warned at, the U.S. government’s business-as-usual approach of outsourcing development work could have very negative consequences for the mission in Afghanistan.

“If gaudy new mansions built in the local ‘narco-tecture’ style are rented for thousands a month by U.S. contractors, UN agencies, foreign embassies and even rule of law projects, what does that say of the Western commitment to accountability?” she wrote. “For it is important to recognize that when Afghans speak of ‘corruption,’ they may mean perfectly legal actions under the direct auspices of foreign donors. When they hear of billions of dollars being spent in Afghanistan via private contractors only to often see much of the money lost in layer after layer of subcontracting and little real effect on the ground, that is labeled corruption whatever signed contracts there may be.”