The technology transfer was revealed in the book Critical Mass (1998) by Carter Hydrick. The book has largely been ignored because of its inconvenient truth. Also, Hydrick, a meticulous researcher, did not highlight the significance of his findings as I have. Instead, he focused on the details of US atomic bomb production, Bormann's movements, the U-234 logbook, etc. to prove his case.
Phi Beta Iota: Scientifically-sound public opposition to 5G is beginning to take effect. Mindful of the FACT that Lloyd's will not insure 5G specifically and wireless generally, we should all treat 5G the way asbestos and tobacco and anything made by Monsanto should be treated: toxic to humanity.
How did it all go so wrong? How did the Great American experiment end up the way it is today? “We are all being thought-reformed through global psychological warfare and trauma programming.”
In “Subverted”, a two-part vlog with show notes totalling 85 minutes, “Amazing Polly”, from Kingston, Ontario, discusses the connections between technocracy, Columbia University, the New School, Camp Ritchie, Camp Shanks, German POWs (not Paperclip!), and Projects Rusty and Keystone. She covers the 1930s to the 1960s: “there are linkages between people & events that very few people have ever heard of.
“Subverted” is her attempt to shed light on the influence of a cult called Technocracy, Inc., The University in Exile, select US Military projects started at the declaration of WW2, the set-up of what is now the CIA, the Global Intelligence service (which they deny exists) and more…”
The first tarnish on the armor of my mentors in the Religious Right came in 1996, when they overwhelmingly embraced the candidacy of Bob Dole over Pat Buchanan. I was old enough at that point to start standing on my own two feet, and I took that fight to the bitter end. That story, if told in full, is one for the history books—and it forever changed me.
The power elite that control both political parties have completely mastered the Hegelian Dialectic. They have advanced architectural and engineering degrees in the designing and building of the phony left-right paradigm. They are professional propagandists and experts in political manipulation. Tokyo Rose and Joseph Goebbels were rank amateurs compared to these monsters. And Donald Trump is their greatest achievement. He is the Frankenstein who the Religious Right believes is Cinderella.
I’d like to replace ideologies that focus on code, and what others can and cannot do with the code we create, with ideologies that focus on people, specifically with a focus on who benefits, and who doesn’t, from the code we create. What does a people-centric collaborative software development model look like? I’d like to explore some basic properties that such a model ought to have, as a starting place for building new institutions to support productive, non-exploitative software development.
1. There has never been more access to food – domestic and imported – yet hunger is an ongoing problem everywhere. In the U.S. alone, 16.5 million children go to bed hungry and 20% of community college students are experiencing “food insecurity.”
2. Never have there been more communications technologies, yet it is harder to get through to people personally than fifty years ago.
3. Never have people been able to use their right to free speech so unencumbered, yet a torrent of lies are now spread so freely and are often unchallenged.